An X-ray picture of tension pneumopericardium, as a transsternal transpericardial main bronchus stump occlusion complication, not previously seen after this sur-gery, is described. The clinical picture of a tension pneumopericardium and diag-nostic methods applied to determine this condition are reported. Successful elimination of complications in a somatically burdened patient was possible only due to rapid and accu-rate diagnostics of this condition. © 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved.
Мартель И. И. Иван Иванович 1980-
Лазарева Y. В. Я.В.
Шехтер А. И. Анатолий Ильич 1935-
Фролова О. П. Ольга Петровна 1954-
Гиллер Д. Б. Дмитрий Борисович 1959-
Щербакова Г. В. Галина Владимировна 1973-
Отс О. Н. Олег Николаевич 1948-
Гиллер Б. Д. Борис Дмитриевич 1993-
Martel` I. I. Ivan Ivanovich 1980-
Lazareva Y. V. Ya.V.
Shekhter A. I. Anatolij Il`ich 1935-
Frolova O. P. Ol`ga Petrovna 1954-
Giller D. B. Dmitrij Borisovich 1959-
Shherbakova G. V. Galina Vladimirovna 1973-
Ots O. N. Oleg Nikolaevich 1948-
Giller B. D. Boris Dmitrievich 1993-
Radiological diagnostics of tension pneumopericardium as a complication of transsternal transpericardial main bronchus occlusion
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Российский электронный журнал лучевой диагностики
Национальный конгресс лучевых диагностов
Т. 8, Вып. 1 С. 215-220
Magnetic tension pneumopericardium Transsternal occlusion
An X-ray picture of tension pneumopericardium, as a transsternal transpericardial main bronchus stump occlusion complication, not previously seen after this sur-gery, is described. The clinical picture of a tension pneumopericardium and diag-nostic methods applied to determine this condition are reported. Successful elimination of complications in a somatically burdened patient was possible only due to rapid and accu-rate diagnostics of this condition. © 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved.