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Application of flow systems in laboratory diagnostics for the integral evaluation of the hemostatic system

Ушакова О. Е., Нечипуренко Д. Y., Бутyлин А. А., Пантелеев М. А.
Вопросы гематологии/онкологии и иммунопатологии в педиатрии
Т. 17, Вып. 1, С. 117-129
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья

DOI:10.24287/ 1726-1708-2018-17-1-117-129

The assessment of thrombosis and bleeding risks is one of the most important tasks of laboratory diagnostics of disorders in the hemostasis system. For this purpose the highly specialized tests are not always appropriate, because these assays are focused on specific markers or pathologies of individual links: the level of coagulation factors, the level of D-dimers, ADP- and serotonininduced platelet activation, effects of acetyl salicylic acid on aggregation. Nowadays, integral assays are the most promising approach, simulating hemostatic process in vivo - thromboelastography, thrombodynamics, thrombin generation. These tests are designed to specify the risk of thrombosis or bleeding with co-origin, as well as screening and monitoring of drug therapy. One of the approaches in the development of integral assays are flow systems where plasma or whole blood flow is formed over the hemostatic activator, and the growth of the thrombus is recorded on the video. There are commercially availab
Ключевые слова:
Functional assays; Integral assays of hemostasis; Microfluidics; Thrombosis
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2414-9314
Ушакова О. Е. Оксана Евгеньевна 1993-
Нечипуренко Д. Y.
Бутyлин А. А.
Пантелеев М. А.
Ushakova O. E. Oksana Evgenyevna 1993-
Nechipurenko D. Y.
Butylin A. A.
Panteleev M. A.
Application of flow systems in laboratory diagnostics for the integral evaluation of the hemostatic system
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Вопросы гематологии/онкологии и иммунопатологии в педиатрии
Фонд поддержки и развития в области детской гематологии, онкологии и иммунологии Врачи, инновации, наука - детям
Т. 17, Вып. 1 С. 117-129
Functional assays Integral assays of hemostasis Microfluidics Thrombosis
The assessment of thrombosis and bleeding risks is one of the most important tasks of laboratory diagnostics of disorders in the hemostasis system. For this purpose the highly specialized tests are not always appropriate, because these assays are focused on specific markers or pathologies of individual links: the level of coagulation factors, the level of D-dimers, ADP- and serotonininduced platelet activation, effects of acetyl salicylic acid on aggregation. Nowadays, integral assays are the most promising approach, simulating hemostatic process in vivo - thromboelastography, thrombodynamics, thrombin generation. These tests are designed to specify the risk of thrombosis or bleeding with co-origin, as well as screening and monitoring of drug therapy. One of the approaches in the development of integral assays are flow systems where plasma or whole blood flow is formed over the hemostatic activator, and the growth of the thrombus is recorded on the video. There are commercially availab