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New biomarkers of acute mesenteric ischemia

Чернооков А. И., Божедомов А. Y., Атаян А. А., Белyх Е. Н., Сyлчук Е. С., Хачатрян Э. О.
Новости хирургии
Т. 26, Вып. 3, С. 358-365
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


The acute mesenteric ischemia is one of the most complex problems in the urgent surgery because of the high mortality, the cause of which is late diagnosis. The operation treatment is often provided in the phase of diffuse peritonitis. This literature review is done in order to identify the most accessible and accurate methods of early diagnosis of the acute mesenteric ischemia. At present time rather a small number of biomarkers for diagnosing the acute mesenteric ischemia are used, such as α-glutamate-S-transferase, D-dimers, procalcitonin, D-lactate, intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP), ischemia-modified albumin. According to the literature the highest sensitivity and specificity were found in I-FABP (75-85[%] and 70-80[%] respectively), α-glutamate-S-transferase (67.8[%] and 84.2[%]), ischemia-modified albumin (94.7[%] and 86.4[%]). In addition, expensive and invasive methods are currently used for early diagnosis, such as CT angiography, contrast-enhanced MRI, selective angiography
Ключевые слова:
Acute mesenteric ischemia; Biomarkers; Diagnostics; Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP); Mesenteric thrombosis
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2305-0047
Чернооков А. И. Александр Иванович 1967-
Божедомов А. Y. А.Ю.
Атаян А. А. Андрей Александрович 1984-
Белyх Е. Н.
Сyлчук Е. С.
Хачатрян Э. О. Эдита Олеговна 1995-
Chernookov A. I. Aleksandr Ivanovich 1967-
Bozhedomov A. Y. A.Yu.
Atayan A. A. Andrej Aleksandrovich 1984-
Belyx E. N.
Sylchuk E. S.
Khachatryan E`. O. E`dita Olegovna 1995-
New biomarkers of acute mesenteric ischemia
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Новости хирургии
Витебский государственный медицинский университет
Т. 26, Вып. 3 С. 358-365
Acute mesenteric ischemia Biomarkers Diagnostics Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) Mesenteric thrombosis
The acute mesenteric ischemia is one of the most complex problems in the urgent surgery because of the high mortality, the cause of which is late diagnosis. The operation treatment is often provided in the phase of diffuse peritonitis. This literature review is done in order to identify the most accessible and accurate methods of early diagnosis of the acute mesenteric ischemia. At present time rather a small number of biomarkers for diagnosing the acute mesenteric ischemia are used, such as α-glutamate-S-transferase, D-dimers, procalcitonin, D-lactate, intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP), ischemia-modified albumin. According to the literature the highest sensitivity and specificity were found in I-FABP (75-85[%] and 70-80[%] respectively), α-glutamate-S-transferase (67.8[%] and 84.2[%]), ischemia-modified albumin (94.7[%] and 86.4[%]). In addition, expensive and invasive methods are currently used for early diagnosis, such as CT angiography, contrast-enhanced MRI, selective angiography