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Professional standard of specialist in the field of medical and prophylactic case as the basis of preparation and activity in the field of medical...

Khizgiyaev V. I., Briko N. I., Kuchma V. R., Gordeeva T. I., Volkova N. A.
Гигиена и санитария
Vol.96, Issue4, P. 382-387
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья


Professional standards should meet modern requirements of the labor market, as well as requirements for the accreditation and certification of medical-prophylactic profile specialists. Objective is the justification for the content of the professional standard of specialist in the field of medical and prophylactic business. Expert analysis revealed that the current professional standard fails to take into account completely different economic activities in which specialists of medical-prophylactic profile work or can work. The priority state program "Reform of the control and supervisory activities" determines the priority for the comprehensive prevention violations of mandatory requirements with the wide application of information resources that should be included in the professional standard. The main task of the expert of medical and prophylactic profile is the activity for the provision of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. The implementation of this direction
Ключевые слова:
Activity on the organization and carrying out of sanitary-antiepidemic (preventive) measures; Doctor-epidemiologist; Doctor-hygienist; Doctorbacteriologist; Labor functions; Professional standard; Specialist in the field of preventive medicine
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 2412-0650
Khizgiyaev V. I.
Briko N. I. Nikolay Ivanovich 1953-
Kuchma V. R. Vladislav Remirovich 1951-
Gordeeva T. I.
Volkova N. A.
Хизгияев В. И.
Брико Н. И. Николай Иванович 1953-
Кучма В. Р. Владислав Ремирович 1951-
Гордеева Т. И.
Волкова Н. А.
Professional standard of specialist in the field of medical and prophylactic case as the basis of preparation and activity in the field of medical prevention
Professional standard of specialist in the field of medical and prophylactic case as the basis of preparation and activity in the field of medical...
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Гигиена и санитария
Издательство "Медицина"
Vol.96, Issue4 P. 382-387
Activity on the organization and carrying out of sanitary-antiepidemic (preventive) measures Doctor-epidemiologist Doctor-hygienist Doctorbacteriologist Labor functions Professional standard Specialist in the field of preventive medicine
Professional standards should meet modern requirements of the labor market, as well as requirements for the accreditation and certification of medical-prophylactic profile specialists. Objective is the justification for the content of the professional standard of specialist in the field of medical and prophylactic business. Expert analysis revealed that the current professional standard fails to take into account completely different economic activities in which specialists of medical-prophylactic profile work or can work. The priority state program "Reform of the control and supervisory activities" determines the priority for the comprehensive prevention violations of mandatory requirements with the wide application of information resources that should be included in the professional standard. The main task of the expert of medical and prophylactic profile is the activity for the provision of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. The implementation of this direction