Aim. To assess possibility and safety of intervalic hypoxic-hyperoxic training (HHT) as a method of cardioprotection and metabolic adaptation of myocardium for onpump coronary bypass surgery. Material and methods. Totally, 80 coronary heart disease patients included, hospitalized to the clinics of aortic and cardiosurgery of the University hospital of Sechenov University. All had indications for the operation — direct myocardial revascularization with bypass grafting. In 5 days before surgery, according to the scheme of preparation, the patients were randomized to two groups (main — with HHT, and controls; n=40). The rate of complications was evaluated, during the operation and in post-surgery period. The level of troponin I was measured before operation, in 2 and 24 hours after, as well as level of lactate in venous blood before and after operation. Results. The rate of intra- and early postsurgery complications in both groups did not differ significantly, though in the main there was
Ключевые слова:
Coronary bypass; Hypoxic preconditioning; Intervalic hypoxic-hyperoxic training
lactic acid; troponin I; Article; cardiovascular procedure; controlled study; coronary artery bypass graft; heart muscle revascularization; heart protection; human; intervalic hypoxic hyperoxic training; ischemic heart disease; lactate blood level; major clinical study; peroperative complication; postoperative complication; randomized controlled trial; venous blood
Тютер Д. С.
Комаров Р. Н. Роман Николаевич 1977-
Глазачев О. С. Олег Станиславович 1962-
Сыркин А. Л. Абрам Львович 1930-
Северова Л. П. Людмила Петровна 1992-
Иванова Е. В.
Копылов Ф. Ю. Филипп Юрьевич 1976-
Tuter D. S.
Komarov R. N. Roman Nikolaevich 1977-
Glazachev O. S. Oleg Stanislavovich 1962-
Sy'rkin A. L. Abram L`vovich 1930-
Severova L. P. Lyudmila Petrovna 1992-
Ivanova E. V.
Kopy'lov F. Yu. Filipp Yuryevich 1976-
Application of intervalic hypoxic-hyperoxic entrainment to prevention of intraand early postoperational complications in coronary bypass grafting
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Российский кардиологический журнал
ООО "Силицея-Полиграф"
Т. 23, Вып. 6 С. 166-172
Coronary bypass Hypoxic preconditioning Intervalic hypoxic-hyperoxic training
lactic acid troponin I Article cardiovascular procedure controlled study coronary artery bypass graft heart muscle revascularization heart protection human intervalic hypoxic hyperoxic training ischemic heart disease lactate blood level major clinical study peroperative complication postoperative complication randomized controlled trial venous blood
Aim. To assess possibility and safety of intervalic hypoxic-hyperoxic training (HHT) as a method of cardioprotection and metabolic adaptation of myocardium for onpump coronary bypass surgery. Material and methods. Totally, 80 coronary heart disease patients included, hospitalized to the clinics of aortic and cardiosurgery of the University hospital of Sechenov University. All had indications for the operation — direct myocardial revascularization with bypass grafting. In 5 days before surgery, according to the scheme of preparation, the patients were randomized to two groups (main — with HHT, and controls; n=40). The rate of complications was evaluated, during the operation and in post-surgery period. The level of troponin I was measured before operation, in 2 and 24 hours after, as well as level of lactate in venous blood before and after operation. Results. The rate of intra- and early postsurgery complications in both groups did not differ significantly, though in the main there was