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Development of Dosage Forms Containing a Solid Dispersion of Diclofenac

Krasnyuk I. I., Ovsyannikova L. V., Stepanova O. I., Belyatskaya A. V., Grikh V. V., Kosheleva T. M., Skovpen Y. V., Kozin D. A.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
Vol.52, Issue4, P. 357-360
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


Technology development for solid dosage forms with a solid dispersion of diclofenac is a crucial problem in pharmaceutical science and practice. The goal of the work was science-based and experimental technology development for tablets containing a solid dispersion of diclofenac with improved biopharmaceutical indicators as an equivalent to the substance. The obtained granulates and tablets had indicators that met the corresponding standards of the Russian SP XIIIth Ed. Almost 100[%] of the diclofenac was released from the developed tablets. This was 1.3 times greater than from commercial tablets. The recommended shelf life under these conditions is two years. The proposed technology could not only increase the bioavailability of the slightly soluble non-salt form of diclofenac but also facilitate further development of new medicinal preparations with improved bioavailability. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
Ключевые слова:
bioavailability; diclofenac; polyethylene glycol-1500; solid dispersions; solubility; tablets
aerosil; crospovidone; diclofenac; lactose; macrogol; macrogol 1500; magnesium stearate; microcrystalline cellulose; povidone; starch; unclassified drug; angle of repose; Article; dispersion; drug bioavailability; drug dosage form; drug granulation; drug granule; drug manufacture; drug release; drug solubility; drug storage; drug synthesis; moisture; shelf life; solid; tablet disintegration; tablet formulation; ultraviolet spectrophotometry
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 1573-9031
Krasnyuk I. I. Ivan Ivanovich 1979-
Ovsyannikova L. V. Lyubov` Vitalyevna 1989-
Stepanova O. I. Ol`ga Ivanovna 1988-
Belyatskaya A. V. Anastasiya Vladimirovna 1982-
Krasnyuk I. I. Ivan Ivanovich 1955-
Grikh V. V. Viktoriya Vladimirovna 1990-
Kosheleva T. M. Tat`yana Mikhaylovna 1992-
Skovpen Y. V.
Kozin D. A. Dmitrij Andreevich 1993-
Краснюк И. И. Иван Иванович 1979-
Овсянникова Л. В. Любовь Витальевна 1989-
Степанова О. И. Ольга Ивановна 1988-
Беляцкая А. В. Анастасия Владимировна 1982-
Краснюк И. И. Иван Иванович 1955-
Грих В. В. Виктория Владимировна 1990-
Кошелева Т. М. Татьяна Михайловна 1992-
Сковпен Y. В.
Козин Д. А. Дмитрий Андреевич 1993-
Development of Dosage Forms Containing a Solid Dispersion of Diclofenac
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
Springer New York Consultants Bureau
Vol.52, Issue4 P. 357-360
bioavailability diclofenac polyethylene glycol-1500 solid dispersions solubility tablets
aerosil crospovidone diclofenac lactose macrogol macrogol 1500 magnesium stearate microcrystalline cellulose povidone starch unclassified drug angle of repose Article dispersion drug bioavailability drug dosage form drug granulation drug granule drug manufacture drug release drug solubility drug storage drug synthesis moisture shelf life solid tablet disintegration tablet formulation ultraviolet spectrophotometry
Technology development for solid dosage forms with a solid dispersion of diclofenac is a crucial problem in pharmaceutical science and practice. The goal of the work was science-based and experimental technology development for tablets containing a solid dispersion of diclofenac with improved biopharmaceutical indicators as an equivalent to the substance. The obtained granulates and tablets had indicators that met the corresponding standards of the Russian SP XIIIth Ed. Almost 100[%] of the diclofenac was released from the developed tablets. This was 1.3 times greater than from commercial tablets. The recommended shelf life under these conditions is two years. The proposed technology could not only increase the bioavailability of the slightly soluble non-salt form of diclofenac but also facilitate further development of new medicinal preparations with improved bioavailability. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.