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Efficacy and tolerability of abatacept treatment: Results of 12 months observation

Борисова М. А., Лукина Г. В., Сигидин Y. А., Аронова Е. С., Лучихина Е. Л., Каратеев Д. Е., Глухова С. В., Насонов Е. Л.
Терапевтический архив
Т. 90, Вып. 5, С. 44-49
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


Objectives: This article reports 1-year clinical outcomes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving abatacept (ABA) therapy. Materials and methods: Patients (n=91) with high RA activity (DAS28 = 5.1 ± 1.0) and an inadequate response on synthetic DMARDs (mainly methotrexate, 70.3[%]) and biologics (mainly TNF-α inhibitors, 93[%]) were included in the study. The majority of patients were middle- Aged (49 ± 13.5) womens, RF (72.5[%]) and ACPA (77[%]) positive, with moderate functional impairment - HAQ = 1.4 (0.9-2). ABA were administered IV, 10 mg/kg according to the standard scheme. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy was carried out according to the EULAR / ACR 2011 criteria using SDAI, CDAI, HAQ and the intention to treat approach. Results: ABA led to a significant (p <0.05) decrease activity of RA. Clinical improvement according to EULAR criteria after 6 months of treatment was registered in 70.9[%], after 12 months 63[%]. Almost a third of patients (28.7[%]) achieved a go
Ключевые слова:
Abatacept; Biologic-naive pts; Biologics; Retention rate; Rheumatoid arthritis
abatacept; antirheumatic agent; biological product; methotrexate; female; human; middle aged; rheumatoid arthritis; treatment outcome; Abatacept; Antirheumatic Agents; Arthritis, Rheumatoid; Biological Products; Female; Humans; Methotrexate; Middle Aged; Treatment Outcome
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2309-5342
Борисова М. А.
Лукина Г. В.
Сигидин Y. А.
Аронова Е. С.
Лучихина Е. Л.
Каратеев Д. Е.
Глухова С. В.
Насонов Е. Л. Евгений Львович 1948-
Borisova M. A.
Lukina G. V.
Sigidin Y. A.
Aronova E. S.
Luchihina E. L.
Karateev D. E.
Glukhova S. V.
Nasonov E. L. Evgenij L`vovich 1948-
Efficacy and tolerability of abatacept treatment: Results of 12 months observation
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Терапевтический архив
Медицинское маркетинговое агентство "МедиаМедика"
Т. 90, Вып. 5 С. 44-49
Abatacept Biologic-naive pts Biologics Retention rate Rheumatoid arthritis
abatacept antirheumatic agent biological product methotrexate female human middle aged rheumatoid arthritis treatment outcome Abatacept Antirheumatic Agents Arthritis, Rheumatoid Biological Products Female Humans Methotrexate Middle Aged Treatment Outcome
Objectives: This article reports 1-year clinical outcomes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving abatacept (ABA) therapy. Materials and methods: Patients (n=91) with high RA activity (DAS28 = 5.1 ± 1.0) and an inadequate response on synthetic DMARDs (mainly methotrexate, 70.3[%]) and biologics (mainly TNF-α inhibitors, 93[%]) were included in the study. The majority of patients were middle- Aged (49 ± 13.5) womens, RF (72.5[%]) and ACPA (77[%]) positive, with moderate functional impairment - HAQ = 1.4 (0.9-2). ABA were administered IV, 10 mg/kg according to the standard scheme. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy was carried out according to the EULAR / ACR 2011 criteria using SDAI, CDAI, HAQ and the intention to treat approach. Results: ABA led to a significant (p <0.05) decrease activity of RA. Clinical improvement according to EULAR criteria after 6 months of treatment was registered in 70.9[%], after 12 months 63[%]. Almost a third of patients (28.7[%]) achieved a go