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Description of aging dogs and fruit flies based on the kinetic theory

Викторов А. А., Гладких В. Д., Морозова Е. Е.
Успехи геронтологии
Т. 30, Вып. 2, С. 169-176
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья
The aim of the study is to assess the adequacy of model representations, accepted in the kinetic theory of aging of living systems, the analysis of the experimental data obtained on dogs and fruit flies. The work is illustrated by applying the need to develop a mathematical model of the kinetic theory of aging to describe the probability density of death, probability of death, the average duration of life of the considered biological systems in the natural conditions of existence, as well as for dogs with limited time and chronic RA-diciannove impact, and for Drosophila - high external temperature. Op-defined kinetic equation of aging and their parameters.Целью исследования является оценка адекватности модельных представлений, принятых в кинетической теории старения живых систем, при анализе экспериментальных данных, полученных на собаках и дрозофилах. В работе проиллюстрирована применимость математической модели кинетической теории старения для описания плотности вероятности смерти, в
Ключевые слова:
aging; dogs; drosophila; kinetics; mathematical model; radiation; temperature
aging; animal; biological model; dog; Drosophila; kinetics; longevity; physiology; probability; temperature; theoretical model; time factor; Aging; Animals; Dogs; Drosophila; Kinetics; Longevity; Models, Biological; Models, Theoretical; Probability; Temperature; Time Factors
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 1561-9125
Викторов А. А.
Гладких В. Д. Вадим Дмитриевич 1957-
Морозова Е. Е.
Viktorov A. A.
Gladkikh V. D. Vadim Dmitrievich 1957-
Morozova E. E.
Description of aging dogs and fruit flies based on the kinetic theory
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Успехи геронтологии
ООО "Эскулап"
Т. 30, Вып. 2 С. 169-176
aging dogs drosophila kinetics mathematical model radiation temperature
aging animal biological model dog Drosophila kinetics longevity physiology probability temperature theoretical model time factor Aging Animals Dogs Drosophila Kinetics Longevity Models, Biological Models, Theoretical Probability Temperature Time Factors
The aim of the study is to assess the adequacy of model representations, accepted in the kinetic theory of aging of living systems, the analysis of the experimental data obtained on dogs and fruit flies. The work is illustrated by applying the need to develop a mathematical model of the kinetic theory of aging to describe the probability density of death, probability of death, the average duration of life of the considered biological systems in the natural conditions of existence, as well as for dogs with limited time and chronic RA-diciannove impact, and for Drosophila - high external temperature. Op-defined kinetic equation of aging and their parameters.Целью исследования является оценка адекватности модельных представлений, принятых в кинетической теории старения живых систем, при анализе экспериментальных данных, полученных на собаках и дрозофилах. В работе проиллюстрирована применимость математической модели кинетической теории старения для описания плотности вероятности смерти, в