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Poststroke cognitive impairment: Diagnosis and treatment

Головачева В. А., Головачева А. А.
Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика
Т. 10, Вып. 2, С. 88-94
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


The socially significant problems in patients with prior stroke include post-stroke cognitive impairment (PCI), the prevalence of which is high (from 24 to 70[%]). The causes of disability in these patients are that the role of cognitive impairment is often underestimated and attention is paid only to motor defects. The pathogenesis of PCI may include not only vascular, but also neurodegenerative (due to Alzheimer's disease) mechanisms of brain damage. The diagnosis of early PCI is of great practical importance, as it is most effective to treat mild PCI. The paper considers current approaches to preventing and treating PCI. The authors give their own experience in treating a patient with moderate PCI. © 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reservbed.
Ключевые слова:
Ginkgo Biloba extract (EGb 761®); Poststroke cognitive impairment; Poststroke dementia
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2310-1342
Головачева В. А. Вероника Александровна 1988-
Головачева А. А. Анжелика Александровна 1997-
Golovacheva V. A. Veronika Aleksandrovna 1988-
Golovacheva A. A. Anzhelika Aleksandrovna 1997-
Poststroke cognitive impairment: Diagnosis and treatment
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика
Т. 10, Вып. 2 С. 88-94
Ginkgo Biloba extract (EGb 761®) Poststroke cognitive impairment Poststroke dementia
The socially significant problems in patients with prior stroke include post-stroke cognitive impairment (PCI), the prevalence of which is high (from 24 to 70[%]). The causes of disability in these patients are that the role of cognitive impairment is often underestimated and attention is paid only to motor defects. The pathogenesis of PCI may include not only vascular, but also neurodegenerative (due to Alzheimer's disease) mechanisms of brain damage. The diagnosis of early PCI is of great practical importance, as it is most effective to treat mild PCI. The paper considers current approaches to preventing and treating PCI. The authors give their own experience in treating a patient with moderate PCI. © 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reservbed.