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The correlation of somatotype of person with the development and course of various diseases: Results of Russian research

Kukes V. G., Nikolenko V. N., Pavlov Ch. S., Zharikova T. S., Marinin V. F., Gridin L. A.
Russian Open Medical Journal
Vol.7, Issue3, Num.e0301
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


Currently there is an increased interest in medical anthropology, the study of constitutional features of the human body and their correlation with the manifestations of various diseases. Modern anthropometric techniques are increasingly used in scientific researches in clinical practice. This review article is devoted to the issues of interrelation between the type of the human constitution and manifestations of various diseases. © 2018, Kukes V.G., Nikolenko V.N., Pavlov C.S., Zharikova T.S., Marinin V.F., Gridin L.A.
Ключевые слова:
Anthropometry; Constitution; Personalized medicine; Somatotype
cytochrome P450; anthropometry; Article; athlete; bile duct dyskinesia; body constitution; cholecystitis; chronic gastritis; clinical practice; gallbladder motility; heart muscle conduction disturbance; heart rhythm; human; liver cirrhosis; medical anthropology; obesity; osteochondrosis; peptic ulcer; personalized medicine; pregnancy toxemia; research; sexual behavior; somatotype; spontaneous abortion; urine incontinence
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 2304-3415
Kukes V. G. Vladimir Grigoryevich 1934-
Nikolenko V. N. Vladimir Nikolaevich 1956-
Pavlov Ch. S. Chavdar Savov 1967-
Zharikova T. S. Tat`yana Sergeevna 1989-
Marinin V. F. Valerij Fedorovich 1939-
Gridin L. A. Leonid Aleksandrovich 1950-
Кукес В. Г. Владимир Григорьевич 1934-
Николенко В. Н. Владимир Николаевич 1956-
Павлов Ч. С. Чавдар Савов 1967-
Жарикова Т. С. Татьяна Сергеевна 1989-
Маринин В. Ф. Валерий Федорович 1939-
Гридин Л. А. Леонид Александрович 1950-
The correlation of somatotype of person with the development and course of various diseases: Results of Russian research
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Russian Open Medical Journal
Наука и инновации
Vol.7, Issue3 Num.e0301
Anthropometry Constitution Personalized medicine Somatotype
cytochrome P450 anthropometry Article athlete bile duct dyskinesia body constitution cholecystitis chronic gastritis clinical practice gallbladder motility heart muscle conduction disturbance heart rhythm human liver cirrhosis medical anthropology obesity osteochondrosis peptic ulcer personalized medicine pregnancy toxemia research sexual behavior somatotype spontaneous abortion urine incontinence
Currently there is an increased interest in medical anthropology, the study of constitutional features of the human body and their correlation with the manifestations of various diseases. Modern anthropometric techniques are increasingly used in scientific researches in clinical practice. This review article is devoted to the issues of interrelation between the type of the human constitution and manifestations of various diseases. © 2018, Kukes V.G., Nikolenko V.N., Pavlov C.S., Zharikova T.S., Marinin V.F., Gridin L.A.