The intracellular existence of the bacteria of the genera Salmonella, Brucella, Coxiella is associated with the effector proteins of the secretory systems. Salmonella use a third type of secretory system (T3SS) both for penetration into the host cell, and in creating an intracellular replicative niche. In case of Brucella and Coxiella the leading role in the creation of a replicative niche is played by effector proteins of the fourth type of secretory system (T4SS). The T3CC and T4CC effector proteins participate in the modulation of the innate immune response, which contributes to intracellular parasitism and the development of chronic infection. The successes of modern molecular biology and bioinformatics allowed us to re-define the mechanism of intracellular parasitism and the virulence factors involved in its formation. In this review, we consider the modern views on the intracellular parasitism of the bacteria of the genera Salmonella, Brucella and Coxiella. © 2017, Dynasty Publis
Бойченко М. Н. Марина Николаевна 1950-
Кравцова Е. О. Елена Олеговна 1963-
Волчкова Е. В. Елена Васильевна 1953-
Белая О. Ф. Ольга Федоровна 1953-
Bojchenko M. N. Marina Nikolaevna 1950-
Kravtsova E. O. Elena Olegovna 1963-
Volchkova E. V. Elena Vasilyevna 1953-
Belaya O. F. Ol`ga Fedorovna 1953-
Some problems of molecular pathogenesis of intracellular parasitism of bacteria
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Инфекционные болезни
ООО "Издательство "Династия"
Т. 15, Вып. 4 С. 77-81
Brucella Coxiella Intracellular parasitism Intracellular replicative niche Salmonella T3SS T4SS
The intracellular existence of the bacteria of the genera Salmonella, Brucella, Coxiella is associated with the effector proteins of the secretory systems. Salmonella use a third type of secretory system (T3SS) both for penetration into the host cell, and in creating an intracellular replicative niche. In case of Brucella and Coxiella the leading role in the creation of a replicative niche is played by effector proteins of the fourth type of secretory system (T4SS). The T3CC and T4CC effector proteins participate in the modulation of the innate immune response, which contributes to intracellular parasitism and the development of chronic infection. The successes of modern molecular biology and bioinformatics allowed us to re-define the mechanism of intracellular parasitism and the virulence factors involved in its formation. In this review, we consider the modern views on the intracellular parasitism of the bacteria of the genera Salmonella, Brucella and Coxiella. © 2017, Dynasty Publis