Еникеев Д. В. Дмитрий Викторович 1982-
Глыбочко П. В. Петр Витальевич 1964-
Аляев Ю. Г. Юрий Геннадьевич 1942-
Рапопорт Л. М. Леонид Моисеевич 1956-
Амосов А. В. Александр Валентинович 1953-
Алексеева Т. М. Татьяна Михайловна 1962-
Еникеев М. Э. Михаил Эликович 1974-
Цариченко Д. Г. Дмитрий Георгиевич 1969-
Чинёнов Д. В. Денис Владимирович 1978-
Козмин Л. Д. Леонид Дмитриевич 1974-
Джалаев З. К. Зураб Курбанмагомедович 1991-
Тараткин М. С. Марк Сергеевич 1993-
Enikeev D. V. Dmitrij Viktorovich 1982-
Gly'bochko P. V. Petr Vitalyevich 1964-
Alyaev Yu. G. Yurij Gennadyevich 1942-
Rapoport L. M. Leonid Moiseevich 1956-
Amosov A. V. Aleksandr Valentinovich 1953-
Alekseeva T. M. Tat`yana Mikhaylovna 1962-
Enikeev M. E`. Mikhail E`likovich 1974-
Tsarichenko D. G. Dmitrij Georgievich 1969-
Chinyonov D. V. Denis Vladimirovich 1978-
Kozmin L. D. Leonid Dmitrievich 1974-
Dzhalaev Z. K. Zurab Kurbanmagomedovich 1991-
Taratkin M. S. Mark Sergeevich 1993-
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous cryoablation of renal tumors
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Бионика Медиа
Вып. 3 С. 68-73
cryoablation kidney cancer ablation percutaneous cryoablation renal cell carcinoma
aged cancer staging cryosurgery echography evaluation study human Kidney Neoplasms middle aged pathology procedures Aged Cryosurgery Humans Kidney Neoplasms Middle Aged Neoplasm Staging Ultrasonography
INTRODUCTION: Surgery remains the gold-standard curative treatment for localized (T1) renal carcinoma. However, recent medical-technological advances have led to the development of new minimally invasive treatment options, one of which is percutaneous cryoablation.AIM: To assess the effectiveness and safety of ultrasound-guided percutaneous cryoablation of renal tumors.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study comprised 12 patients aged 52 to 76 years who underwent ultrasound-guided percutaneous cryoablation of renal tumors from 2015 to 2017. In 11 patients, the size of the renal mass was 3.0 cm (T1a), in 1 patient 4.5 cm (T1b). A Doppler ultrasound, contrast-enhanced MSCT and computer 3D modeling were performed in all patients pre-operatively and 6 months after surgery to assess the tumors size and extent and the spatial location of the tumor internal surface to the pelvicalyceal system. In all patients, the tumors were located along the posterior or lateral surface of the kidney, in the lower