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Prediction of fetal growth restriction in high-risk pregnant women

Стрижаков А. Н., Леонтьева М. М., Игнатко И. В., Попова Н. Г., Флорова В. С., Кузнецов А. С.
Акушерство и гинекология
Вып. 7, С. 34-44
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья


Objective. To develop an individualized comprehensive examination system for pregnant women for the prediction, early diagnosis, and prevention of fetal growth restriction (FGR) based on the assessment of clinical, anamnestic, laboratory, and instrumental risk factors for reduction of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Subjects and methods. In accordance with the goal set, the authors conducted a comprehensive prospective survey of 184 pregnant women in the first trimester of gestation, 184 newborns and also analyzed the perinatal and maternal outcomes of pregnancy. A study group consisted of 146 women whose pregnancy was complicated by placental insufficiency and resulted in the birth of living babies with FGR; a comparison group included 38 women whose pregnancy had no signs of placental insufficiency and resulted in the birth of full-term living babies. Social and marital status, place of residence; bad habits (smoking, use of alcohol and narcotics); somatic and obstetric/ gynecolog
Ключевые слова:
Fetal growth restriction; High-risk pregnant women
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 0300-9092
Стрижаков А. Н. Александр Николаевич 1937-
Леонтьева М. М. Мария Михайловна 1989-
Игнатко И. В. Ирина Владимировна 1968-
Попова Н. Г. Наталия Георгиевна 0001-
Флорова В. С.
Кузнецов А. С.
Strizhakov A. N. Aleksandr Nikolaevich 1937-
Leontyeva M. M. Mariya Mikhaylovna 1989-
Ignatko I. V. Irina Vladimirovna 1968-
Popova N. G. Nataliya Georgievna 0001-
Florova V. S.
Kuznetsov A. S.
Prediction of fetal growth restriction in high-risk pregnant women
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Акушерство и гинекология
Бионика Медиа
Вып. 7 С. 34-44
Fetal growth restriction High-risk pregnant women
Objective. To develop an individualized comprehensive examination system for pregnant women for the prediction, early diagnosis, and prevention of fetal growth restriction (FGR) based on the assessment of clinical, anamnestic, laboratory, and instrumental risk factors for reduction of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Subjects and methods. In accordance with the goal set, the authors conducted a comprehensive prospective survey of 184 pregnant women in the first trimester of gestation, 184 newborns and also analyzed the perinatal and maternal outcomes of pregnancy. A study group consisted of 146 women whose pregnancy was complicated by placental insufficiency and resulted in the birth of living babies with FGR; a comparison group included 38 women whose pregnancy had no signs of placental insufficiency and resulted in the birth of full-term living babies. Social and marital status, place of residence; bad habits (smoking, use of alcohol and narcotics); somatic and obstetric/ gynecolog