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The differentiation of the economic costs of preclinical trials of potential antidiabetic drugs

Глембоцкая Г. Т., Кривошеев С. А., Иванов С. В., Тихонова Ю. А.
Биофармацевтический журнал
Т. 9, Вып. 5, С. 36-48
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья
The article analyzes the main methods of calculation of economic indicators of the cost of laboratory testing of potential pharmaceuticals. The results of cost calculation for the study of pharmacological activity antidiabetic potential of the drug inhibitor of GSK-3β lithium chloride with the use of modern analytical techniques for major object of expenditure, as well as the results of the evaluation of the cost of preclinical trials of homeopathic original drug «Subetha» (OOO «NPF «Materia Medica holding»). The differentiation of costs aby the main stages of pre-clinical studies the original drug, identified and structured basic stages of research, largely determine its final cost. © 2017, Folium Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова:
Antidiabetic drug; Cost evaluation; Economic indicators; Preclinical trials
antidiabetic agent; glycogen synthase kinase 3beta; lithium chloride; analytic method; Article; clinical trial (topic); cost benefit analysis; differentiation; drug cost; drug mechanism; economic aspect; economic evaluation; health care cost; laboratory test; pharmacological parameters; preclinical study
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2073-8099
Глембоцкая Г. Т. Галина Тихоновна 1947-
Кривошеев С. А. Сергей Анатольевич 1965-
Иванов С. В.
Тихонова Ю. А. Юлия Анатольевна 1972-
Glembotskaya G. T. Galina Tikhonovna 1947-
Krivosheev S. A. Sergej Anatolyevich 1965-
Ivanov S. V.
Tikhonova Yu. A. Yuliya Anatolyevna 1972-
The differentiation of the economic costs of preclinical trials of potential antidiabetic drugs
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Биофармацевтический журнал
ООО "Фолиум"
Т. 9, Вып. 5 С. 36-48
Antidiabetic drug Cost evaluation Economic indicators Preclinical trials
antidiabetic agent glycogen synthase kinase 3beta lithium chloride analytic method Article clinical trial (topic) cost benefit analysis differentiation drug cost drug mechanism economic aspect economic evaluation health care cost laboratory test pharmacological parameters preclinical study
The article analyzes the main methods of calculation of economic indicators of the cost of laboratory testing of potential pharmaceuticals. The results of cost calculation for the study of pharmacological activity antidiabetic potential of the drug inhibitor of GSK-3β lithium chloride with the use of modern analytical techniques for major object of expenditure, as well as the results of the evaluation of the cost of preclinical trials of homeopathic original drug «Subetha» (OOO «NPF «Materia Medica holding»). The differentiation of costs aby the main stages of pre-clinical studies the original drug, identified and structured basic stages of research, largely determine its final cost. © 2017, Folium Ltd. All rights reserved.