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The system for managing the training of medical specialists on the basis of simulation centers

Svistunov A. A., Gribkov D. M., Kardakov A. I., Sytnik D. A., Bradis N. V., Kolysh A. L.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Vol.9, Issue10, P. 1934-1940
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья
Various simulators and training equipment of various realisms levels are used to test the level of practical medical skills development in the conditions of a simulation center. The goal of the works described in the article is to create an information system that allows to automate the entire process of preparing and conducting simulation training as much as possible, as well as to create conditions for increasing the objectivity of assessing the actions of the student. Assessment of implementation of practical skills consists of the expert assessment and readings of the simulation equipment. Objectivity of assessment can be achieved through creation of vehicles and mechanisms of control with transparent numerical parameters. Besides, vehicles and mechanisms for the analysis of results must be provided in the system in order to achieve transparency of assessment, for which the readings of the simulation equipment and the expert's actions should be recorded in the course of training as
Ключевые слова:
C++; Checklist; Checklist constructor; Debriefing; Error statistics; Medical simulator; Qt; REST API; Reverse Polish notation; Rtsp; Simulation center; Video grabbing; Video recording
Article; checklist; human; lung ventilation; mathematical model; medical education; medical specialist; resuscitation; simulation training; videorecording
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 0975-1459
Svistunov A. A. Andrej Alekseevich 1965-
Gribkov D. M. Denis Mikhaylovich 1971-
Kardakov A. I.
Sytnik D. A.
Bradis N. V.
Kolysh A. L.
Свистунов А. А. Андрей Алексеевич 1965-
Грибков Д. М. Денис Михайлович 1971-
Кардаков А. И.
Сyтник Д. А.
Брадис Н. В.
Колyш А. Л.
The system for managing the training of medical specialists on the basis of simulation centers
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Vol.9, Issue10 P. 1934-1940
C++ Checklist Checklist constructor Debriefing Error statistics Medical simulator Qt REST API Reverse Polish notation Rtsp Simulation center Video grabbing Video recording
Article checklist human lung ventilation mathematical model medical education medical specialist resuscitation simulation training videorecording
Various simulators and training equipment of various realisms levels are used to test the level of practical medical skills development in the conditions of a simulation center. The goal of the works described in the article is to create an information system that allows to automate the entire process of preparing and conducting simulation training as much as possible, as well as to create conditions for increasing the objectivity of assessing the actions of the student. Assessment of implementation of practical skills consists of the expert assessment and readings of the simulation equipment. Objectivity of assessment can be achieved through creation of vehicles and mechanisms of control with transparent numerical parameters. Besides, vehicles and mechanisms for the analysis of results must be provided in the system in order to achieve transparency of assessment, for which the readings of the simulation equipment and the expert's actions should be recorded in the course of training as