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Features of activation of the default mode network in people with a high level of chronic stress

Зашезова М. К., Устюжанин Д. В., Каверина А. Р., Шария М. А., Коновалов Р. Н., Терновой С. К.
Российский электронный журнал лучевой диагностики
Т. 7, Вып. 3, С. 31-39
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья


Purpose. To study the nature of activity of the default mode network (DMN) of the brain according to resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI) data in people with high level of chronic stress. Materials and methods. The study involved 45 people aged from 25 to 77 years. Ac-cording to the results of psychological testing, participants were divided into two groups: with high and low levels of chronic stress. Resting state fMRI was performed on a magnetic resonance scanner Philips Achieva 3.0T. To process the data obtained, statistical programs GIFT v2.0, SPM8 based on MatLab7.4. To view and present the data received, we used the xjView 8.4 application based on SPM8. Results. Statistically significant differences in the patterns of neuronal activation of DMN in the groups of people with high and low levels of chronic stress were revealed. The zones of decreased activity of DMN in people with high level of chronic stress were deter-mined in the region of the right and left precuneus, the gyrus cinguli
Ключевые слова:
Chronic stress; Default mode network; Functional connectivity; Rest networks; Resting state fMRI
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2222-7415
Зашезова М. К.
Устюжанин Д. В.
Каверина А. Р.
Шария М. А. Мераб Арчильевич 1961-
Коновалов Р. Н.
Терновой С. К. Сергей Константинович 1948-
Zashezova M. K.
Ustyuzhanin D. V.
Kaverina A. R.
Shariya M. A. Merab Archilyevich 1961-
Konovalov R. N.
Ternovoj S. K. Sergej Konstantinovich 1948-
Features of activation of the default mode network in people with a high level of chronic stress
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Российский электронный журнал лучевой диагностики
Национальный конгресс лучевых диагностов
Т. 7, Вып. 3 С. 31-39
Chronic stress Default mode network Functional connectivity Rest networks Resting state fMRI
Purpose. To study the nature of activity of the default mode network (DMN) of the brain according to resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI) data in people with high level of chronic stress. Materials and methods. The study involved 45 people aged from 25 to 77 years. Ac-cording to the results of psychological testing, participants were divided into two groups: with high and low levels of chronic stress. Resting state fMRI was performed on a magnetic resonance scanner Philips Achieva 3.0T. To process the data obtained, statistical programs GIFT v2.0, SPM8 based on MatLab7.4. To view and present the data received, we used the xjView 8.4 application based on SPM8. Results. Statistically significant differences in the patterns of neuronal activation of DMN in the groups of people with high and low levels of chronic stress were revealed. The zones of decreased activity of DMN in people with high level of chronic stress were deter-mined in the region of the right and left precuneus, the gyrus cinguli