Personal determinants of the attitude to war as a means of solving international conflicts
Гулевич О. А., Невриуьев А. Н.
Вопросы психологии
Т. 2016, Вып. 3, С. 58-67
Опубликовано: 2016
Тип ресурса: Статья
The paper discusses factors affecting general attitudes to war. 1427 Russian citizens were asked to complete an online version of a questionnaire which included scales of resistance, alienation, social attitudes to war. Structural equations were used to test the hypotheses. The findings have revealed that the lower the resistance, the higher is alienation from oneself, other people and society as a whole. A high level of alienation from self and others is linked to positive attitudes to war, a high level of alienation from society is more often linked to negative attitudes to war.
Ключевые слова:
Alienation; Attitudes to war; Resistance
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 0042-8841
Гулевич О. А.
Невриуьев А. Н.
Gulevich O. A.
Nevriuyev A. N.
Personal determinants of the attitude to war as a means of solving international conflicts
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Вопросы психологии
ООО "Вопросы психологии"
Т. 2016, Вып. 3 С. 58-67
Alienation Attitudes to war Resistance
The paper discusses factors affecting general attitudes to war. 1427 Russian citizens were asked to complete an online version of a questionnaire which included scales of resistance, alienation, social attitudes to war. Structural equations were used to test the hypotheses. The findings have revealed that the lower the resistance, the higher is alienation from oneself, other people and society as a whole. A high level of alienation from self and others is linked to positive attitudes to war, a high level of alienation from society is more often linked to negative attitudes to war.