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Prevention of iron-deficiency states in reproductive-aged women

Кузнецова И. В.
Акушерство и гинекология
Вып. 12, С. 31-37
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья


Objective. To carry out a systematic analysis of the data available in the literature on the prevention of irondeficiency states in reproductive-aged women. Material and methods. Foreign and Russian articles published in the past 15 years were sought in the international database Pubmed for their analysis. Results. The paper gives the classification of iron-deficiency states, their basic mechanisms and clinical symptoms and highlights the factors influencing the development of iron deficiency in women of reproductive age. It presents the current principles of the diagnosis and treatment of various forms of iron deficiency and ways of its prevention. Particular emphasis is placed on clinical diagnostic methods for iron deficiency and on the possibilities of preventing iron-deficiency anemia with oral iron preparations. Conclusion. Timely recognition of iron-deficiency states and their correction with oral iron preparations are one of the most important components of health preservation
Ключевые слова:
Anemia; Heavy menstrual bleeding; Iron; Oral iron preparations; Sideropenia; Vitamins
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 0300-9092
Кузнецова И. В.
Kuznetsova I. V.
Prevention of iron-deficiency states in reproductive-aged women
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Акушерство и гинекология
Бионика Медиа
Вып. 12 С. 31-37
Anemia Heavy menstrual bleeding Iron Oral iron preparations Sideropenia Vitamins
Objective. To carry out a systematic analysis of the data available in the literature on the prevention of irondeficiency states in reproductive-aged women. Material and methods. Foreign and Russian articles published in the past 15 years were sought in the international database Pubmed for their analysis. Results. The paper gives the classification of iron-deficiency states, their basic mechanisms and clinical symptoms and highlights the factors influencing the development of iron deficiency in women of reproductive age. It presents the current principles of the diagnosis and treatment of various forms of iron deficiency and ways of its prevention. Particular emphasis is placed on clinical diagnostic methods for iron deficiency and on the possibilities of preventing iron-deficiency anemia with oral iron preparations. Conclusion. Timely recognition of iron-deficiency states and their correction with oral iron preparations are one of the most important components of health preservation