Introduction: for pedagogical science to "move" in the direction of the "gnoseological ideal" it is necessary to systematize theoretical and practical results obtained by different researchers and, in particular, to determine those actual fragments, the development of which has not yet been logically and contensively completed. Materials and methods: the methodological background of the article has been the analysis of the content and logic of domestic and foreign philosophical and pedagogical studies; the analysis of the results evident in practical educational training; the analysis of special features of the main methodological principles' manifestation in specific studies, in particular, those that have high practical significance; heuristic synthesis; statement of the hypothesis, its theoretical substantiation; generalization of conclusions reached, reflection of the research result. Research results: special attention is paid to the identification of those aspects of pedagogical
Korzhuev A. V. Andrej Vyacheslavovich 1961-
Sergeeva M. G.
Shurupova R. V. Raisa Viktorovna 1945-
Ryazanova E. L. Elena Leontyevna 1964-
Sadykova A. R.
Malykh E. A.
Коржуев А. В. Андрей Вячеславович 1961-
Сергеева М. Г.
Шурупова Р. В. Раиса Викторовна 1945-
Рязанова Е. Л. Елена Леонтьевна 1964-
Садyкова А. Р.
Малyх Е. А.
Searching for logically and contensively incomplete components of pedagogical theory and practice
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Sociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT
Vol.39, Issue21 Num.16
"knowledge of ignorance" Completeness of pedagogical research Composition and decomposition Methodology of pedagogy Students' independent work Symmetry principle
Introduction: for pedagogical science to "move" in the direction of the "gnoseological ideal" it is necessary to systematize theoretical and practical results obtained by different researchers and, in particular, to determine those actual fragments, the development of which has not yet been logically and contensively completed. Materials and methods: the methodological background of the article has been the analysis of the content and logic of domestic and foreign philosophical and pedagogical studies; the analysis of the results evident in practical educational training; the analysis of special features of the main methodological principles' manifestation in specific studies, in particular, those that have high practical significance; heuristic synthesis; statement of the hypothesis, its theoretical substantiation; generalization of conclusions reached, reflection of the research result. Research results: special attention is paid to the identification of those aspects of pedagogical