The objective: To optimize a tactics of examination and treatment of patients with a benign cervical pathology associated with papillomavirus infection (PVI) in female patients of reproductive age. Patients and methods: 124 patients aged 22 to 35 years underwent complex examination and treatment. Two groups were singled out: the first (main) group included 72 patients, who in the postoperative period received treatment with an antiviral immunostimulating drug isoprinosine, the second group comprised 52 patients, who did not receive the antiviral medication (control group). Inosine pranobex (isoprinosine) was administered 3 g/day (2 tablets 3 times daily) for 28 days. A carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and argon plasma were used to destroy the affected uterine cervical epithelium. Results: The Pap test found various pathological changes in 112 (90.3[%]) patients. ASCUS smear results had similar incidence rates in the groups 16 and 18[%] (p > 0.05). The incidence of LSIL in the groups was 31.9
Давыдов А. И. Александр Ильгизирович 1961-
Шахламова М. Н. Марина Николаевна 1959-
Тер-Овакимян А. Е.
Davy'dov A. I. Aleksandr Il`gizirovich 1961-
Shakhlamova M. N. Marina Nikolaevna 1959-
Ter-Ovakimyan A. E.
A complex solution for therapy of uterine cervical pathology associated with human papillomavirus infection
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Вопросы гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии
ООО "Издательство "Династия"
Т. 17, Вып. 2 С. 27-31
Antiviral and immunostimulating therapy Inosine pranobex Papillomavirus infection Surgical treatment
The objective: To optimize a tactics of examination and treatment of patients with a benign cervical pathology associated with papillomavirus infection (PVI) in female patients of reproductive age. Patients and methods: 124 patients aged 22 to 35 years underwent complex examination and treatment. Two groups were singled out: the first (main) group included 72 patients, who in the postoperative period received treatment with an antiviral immunostimulating drug isoprinosine, the second group comprised 52 patients, who did not receive the antiviral medication (control group). Inosine pranobex (isoprinosine) was administered 3 g/day (2 tablets 3 times daily) for 28 days. A carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and argon plasma were used to destroy the affected uterine cervical epithelium. Results: The Pap test found various pathological changes in 112 (90.3[%]) patients. ASCUS smear results had similar incidence rates in the groups 16 and 18[%] (p > 0.05). The incidence of LSIL in the groups was 31.9