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Aspiration (sclerosing) therapy of ovarian endometriomas: Possibilities, prospects, long-term outcomes

Давыдов А. И., Таирова М. Б., Шахламова М. Н.
Вопросы гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии
Т. 17, Вып. 1, С. 13-21
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


The objective: To study the effectiveness and long-term outcomes of sclerotherapy for ovarian endometriomas and to substantiate the conditions and indications for minimally invasive intervention. Patients and methods: We analysed 124 interventions performed by the technique of aspiration (sclerosing) therapy of endometrioid ovarian cysts. The patients' age varied from 18 to 42 years, averaging 26.4 ± 4.2 years. The mean diameter of ovarian endomeriomas varied from 25 to 65 mm. In 84 (67.7[%]) of observations, pathological process was unilateral, in 72.3[%] - bilateral. 43 (34.6[%]) women had disease recurrence after previously performed cystectomy, in 28 (22.6[%]) endometrioid cysts were located in the only ovary and in 7 (5.6[%]) patients ultrasonography found that the ovary contralateral to endometrioid tumour was sharply decreased and its sections lacked the signs of antral follicles after preceding cystectomy. In fact, in 35 (28.2[%]) patients endometrioma was diagnosed in the only ovary. All
Ключевые слова:
Dienogest+ethinylestradiol; Endometrioma; Recurrence rate; Sclerotherapy
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2414-9152
Давыдов А. И. Александр Ильгизирович 1961-
Таирова М. Б. Марина Борисовна 1985-
Шахламова М. Н. Марина Николаевна 1959-
Davy'dov A. I. Aleksandr Il`gizirovich 1961-
Tairova M. B. Marina Borisovna 1985-
Shakhlamova M. N. Marina Nikolaevna 1959-
Aspiration (sclerosing) therapy of ovarian endometriomas: Possibilities, prospects, long-term outcomes
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Вопросы гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии
ООО "Издательство "Династия"
Т. 17, Вып. 1 С. 13-21
Dienogest+ethinylestradiol Endometrioma Recurrence rate Sclerotherapy
The objective: To study the effectiveness and long-term outcomes of sclerotherapy for ovarian endometriomas and to substantiate the conditions and indications for minimally invasive intervention. Patients and methods: We analysed 124 interventions performed by the technique of aspiration (sclerosing) therapy of endometrioid ovarian cysts. The patients' age varied from 18 to 42 years, averaging 26.4 ± 4.2 years. The mean diameter of ovarian endomeriomas varied from 25 to 65 mm. In 84 (67.7[%]) of observations, pathological process was unilateral, in 72.3[%] - bilateral. 43 (34.6[%]) women had disease recurrence after previously performed cystectomy, in 28 (22.6[%]) endometrioid cysts were located in the only ovary and in 7 (5.6[%]) patients ultrasonography found that the ovary contralateral to endometrioid tumour was sharply decreased and its sections lacked the signs of antral follicles after preceding cystectomy. In fact, in 35 (28.2[%]) patients endometrioma was diagnosed in the only ovary. All