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Incidence, mortality and prevalence as indicators of tuberculosis burden in who regions, countries of the world and the Russian federation Part 2....

Vasilyeva I. A., Белиловскy Е. М., Борисов С. Е., Стерликов С. А.
Туберкулез и болезни легких
Т. 95, Вып. 7, С. 8-16
Опубликовано: 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья


The article presents data on one of the main epidemiological rates defining the burden of tuberculosis in the system of WHO global statistics – tuberculosis mortality. The article describes in detail the WHO assessment of this rate and provides main data on the evaluation and notification of lethal cases due to tuberculosis in certain countries, WHO regions and worldwide. Data presented in the article include the comparison of definitions of mortality and values of registered mortality due to tuberculosis, obtained in Russia, worldwide and countries of WHO European Region. The article discusses if it is possible to achieve indicators set up in the WHO Stop TB Strategy (1990-2015) and WHO End TB Strategy (2016-2035). © 2018 New Terra Publishing House. All Rights Reserved.
Ключевые слова:
Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis burden; Tuberculosis mortality; WHO assessment of epidemiological rates; WHO global report
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2542-1506
Vasilyeva I. A.
Белиловскy Е. М.
Борисов С. Е.
Стерликов С. А.
Васильева И. А.
Belilovsky E. M.
Borisov S. E.
Sterlikov S. A.
Incidence, mortality and prevalence as indicators of tuberculosis burden in who regions, countries of the world and the Russian federation Part 2. Tuberculosis mortality
Incidence, mortality and prevalence as indicators of tuberculosis burden in who regions, countries of the world and the Russian federation Part 2....
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Туберкулез и болезни легких
Нью Терра
Т. 95, Вып. 7 С. 8-16
Tuberculosis Tuberculosis burden Tuberculosis mortality WHO assessment of epidemiological rates WHO global report
The article presents data on one of the main epidemiological rates defining the burden of tuberculosis in the system of WHO global statistics – tuberculosis mortality. The article describes in detail the WHO assessment of this rate and provides main data on the evaluation and notification of lethal cases due to tuberculosis in certain countries, WHO regions and worldwide. Data presented in the article include the comparison of definitions of mortality and values of registered mortality due to tuberculosis, obtained in Russia, worldwide and countries of WHO European Region. The article discusses if it is possible to achieve indicators set up in the WHO Stop TB Strategy (1990-2015) and WHO End TB Strategy (2016-2035). © 2018 New Terra Publishing House. All Rights Reserved.