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The role of innate immunity receptors in infectious diseases and maintenance of organism homeostasis

Karaulov A. V., Afanasiev S. S., Aleshkin V. A., Bondarenko N. L., Voropaeva E. A., Afanasyev M. S., Nesvizhskij Yu. V., Aleshkin A. V., Borisova O. Y., Neizvestny'j, Urban Y. N., Bochkareva S. S., Rubalsky O. V., Voropaev A. D.
Инфекционные болезни
Vol.16, Issue1, P. 70-78
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Обзор


The systematic review provides a justification for the value of innate immunity as an initial, necessary and determinant stage in the development of adaptive immunity. The participation of TLRs as a leading component of PRRs-system in maintaining natural congenital anti-infection resistance and homeostasis of the organism, in launching and dynamics of development of adaptive immunity to pathogens of infectious and non-infectious genesis was studied in detail. The importance of the influence of these pathogens on the homeostasis of the organism, on the formation of disturbances in anti-infective resistance at the organism and local levels, revealing new pathophysiological and immunological pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of these pathological processes is established. The colossal gap between fundamental studies of the biology and morphology of microorganisms and clinical studies of the diseases they cause is shortening. In an accessible form, explanations are provided for th
Ключевые слова:
Adaptive immunity; Anti-infection resistance; Homeostasis of the organism; Innate immunity; Pathogenetic mechanism; TLRs as a leading component of PRRs-system
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 2414-9691
Karaulov A. V. Aleksandr Viktorovich 1953-
Afanasiev S. S.
Aleshkin V. A.
Bondarenko N. L. Natal`ya Leonidovna 1967-
Voropaeva E. A.
Afanasyev M. S. Maksim Stanislavovich 1978-
Nesvizhskij Yu. V. Yurij Vladimirovich 1956-
Aleshkin A. V.
Borisova O. Y.
Neizvestny'j 0001-
Urban Y. N.
Bochkareva S. S.
Rubalsky O. V.
Voropaev A. D.
Караулов А. В. Александр Викторович 1953-
Афанасиев С. С.
Алешкин В. А.
Бондаренко Н. Л. Наталья Леонидовна 1967-
Воропаева Е. А.
Афанасьев М. С. Максим Станиславович 1978-
Несвижский Ю. В. Юрий Владимирович 1956-
Алешкин А. В.
Борисова О. Y.
Неизвестный 0001-
Урбан Y. Н.
Бочкарева С. С.
Рубалскy О. В.
Воропаев А. Д.
The role of innate immunity receptors in infectious diseases and maintenance of organism homeostasis
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Инфекционные болезни
ООО "Издательство "Династия"
Vol.16, Issue1 P. 70-78
Adaptive immunity Anti-infection resistance Homeostasis of the organism Innate immunity Pathogenetic mechanism TLRs as a leading component of PRRs-system
The systematic review provides a justification for the value of innate immunity as an initial, necessary and determinant stage in the development of adaptive immunity. The participation of TLRs as a leading component of PRRs-system in maintaining natural congenital anti-infection resistance and homeostasis of the organism, in launching and dynamics of development of adaptive immunity to pathogens of infectious and non-infectious genesis was studied in detail. The importance of the influence of these pathogens on the homeostasis of the organism, on the formation of disturbances in anti-infective resistance at the organism and local levels, revealing new pathophysiological and immunological pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of these pathological processes is established. The colossal gap between fundamental studies of the biology and morphology of microorganisms and clinical studies of the diseases they cause is shortening. In an accessible form, explanations are provided for th