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Bruxism as a neurological problem (literature review)

Орлова О. Р., Алексеева А. Y., Мингазова Л. Р., Коновалова З. Н.
Нервно-мышечные болезни
Т. 8, Вып. 1, С. 20-27
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


Bruxism is stereotypical movements of the mandibula accompanied by grinding or clenching of teeth. Bruxism has 2 circadian manifestations: during sleep (nocturnal bruxism) and during wakefulness (diurnal bruxism). Etiology of the disease is unclear but occlusal disharmony, stress management, basal ganglia dysfunction, and genetic factors are being discussed. An association between bruxism and other motor disorders such as Parkinson's disease, oromandibular dystonia, Huntington's disease, as well as some drugs, is observed. For bruxism diagnosis, questionnaires, clinical examination, polysomnography, electromyography, and brux checkers are used. The leading treatment method for bruxism and accompanying dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is local administration of botulinum neuroprotein into the temporal, masseter, and lateral pterygoid muscles. © 2018 ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова:
Botulinum toxin therapy; Bruxism; Masseter muscles; Motor disorder
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2413-0443
Орлова О. Р. Ольга Ратмировна 1958-
Алексеева А. Y. А.Ю.
Мингазова Л. Р. Лениза Рифкатовна 1972-
Коновалова З. Н.
Orlova O. R. Ol`ga Ratmirovna 1958-
Alekseeva A. Y. A.Yu.
Mingazova L. R. Leniza Rifkatovna 1972-
Konovalova Z. N.
Bruxism as a neurological problem (literature review)
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Нервно-мышечные болезни
Издательский дом "АБВ-пресс"
Т. 8, Вып. 1 С. 20-27
Botulinum toxin therapy Bruxism Masseter muscles Motor disorder
Bruxism is stereotypical movements of the mandibula accompanied by grinding or clenching of teeth. Bruxism has 2 circadian manifestations: during sleep (nocturnal bruxism) and during wakefulness (diurnal bruxism). Etiology of the disease is unclear but occlusal disharmony, stress management, basal ganglia dysfunction, and genetic factors are being discussed. An association between bruxism and other motor disorders such as Parkinson's disease, oromandibular dystonia, Huntington's disease, as well as some drugs, is observed. For bruxism diagnosis, questionnaires, clinical examination, polysomnography, electromyography, and brux checkers are used. The leading treatment method for bruxism and accompanying dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is local administration of botulinum neuroprotein into the temporal, masseter, and lateral pterygoid muscles. © 2018 ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved.