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Structural foundations for the development of hypertensive complications of pregnancy following oocyte donation in surrogate mothers

Руденко Е. Е., Коган Е. А., Трифонова Н. С., Жукова Е. В., Demura T. A., Александров Л. С., Ищенко А. И., Жарков Н. В., Баянова С. Н., Лаврентьева К. И.
Вопросы гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии
Т. 19, Вып. 1, С. 58-67
Опубликовано: 2020
Тип ресурса: Статья


Objective. To assess structural changes of the placenta and the placental bed in pregnancy with the allogeneic fetus as reflecting impaired immunological tolerance and the formation of a substrate for the development of hypertensive complications of pregnancy. Patients and methods. 89 patients were examined, whose pregnancy resulted from IVF: 47 patients under the surrogate motherhood programme (IVF-SM) and 42 women after IVF with the use of donor oocytes (IVF-OD). The control group comprised 21 patients, whose pregnancy occurred following IVF with own oocytes (IVF-OO). Subgroups were formed according to the presence or absence of the clinical signs of moderate or severe preeclampsia (PE). Morphological examination was performed on placental material (placental discs) and the placental bed obtained after childbirth. Results. In the development of preeclampsia, the signs of immune alteration of the placenta have approximately the same severity in groups following IVF-SM, IVF-OD and IVF-
Ключевые слова:
Gestational arterial hypertension; IVF; Oocyte donation; Preeclampsia; Surrogate motherhood
Article; cell invasion; clinical feature; controlled study; female; human; immunological tolerance; in vitro fertilization; major clinical study; maternal hypertension; oocyte donation; placenta; preeclampsia; pregnancy; surrogate mother; trophoblast
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2414-9152
Руденко Е. Е. Екатерина Евгеньевна 1988-
Коган Е. А. Евгения Алтаровна 1951-
Трифонова Н. С. Наталья Сяитовна 1979-
Жукова Е. В. Екатерина Владимировна 1987-
Demura T. A.
Александров Л. С. Леонид Семенович 1963-
Ищенко А. И. Анатолий Иванович 1951-
Жарков Н. В. Николай Владимирович 1975-
Баянова С. Н. Софья Николаевна 1997-
Лаврентьева К. И.
Rudenko E. E. Ekaterina Evgenyevna 1988-
Kogan E. A. Evgeniya Altarovna 1951-
Trifonova N. S. Natal`ya Syaitovna 1979-
Zhukova E. V. Ekaterina Vladimirovna 1987-
Демура Т. А.
Aleksandrov L. S. Leonid Semenovich 1963-
Ishhenko A. I. Anatolij Ivanovich 1951-
Zharkov N. V. Nikolay Vladimirovich 1975-
Bayanova S. N. Sof`ya Nikolaevna 1997-
Lavrentyeva K. I.
Structural foundations for the development of hypertensive complications of pregnancy following oocyte donation in surrogate mothers
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Вопросы гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии
ООО "Издательство "Династия"
Т. 19, Вып. 1 С. 58-67
Gestational arterial hypertension IVF Oocyte donation Preeclampsia Surrogate motherhood
Article cell invasion clinical feature controlled study female human immunological tolerance in vitro fertilization major clinical study maternal hypertension oocyte donation placenta preeclampsia pregnancy surrogate mother trophoblast
Objective. To assess structural changes of the placenta and the placental bed in pregnancy with the allogeneic fetus as reflecting impaired immunological tolerance and the formation of a substrate for the development of hypertensive complications of pregnancy. Patients and methods. 89 patients were examined, whose pregnancy resulted from IVF: 47 patients under the surrogate motherhood programme (IVF-SM) and 42 women after IVF with the use of donor oocytes (IVF-OD). The control group comprised 21 patients, whose pregnancy occurred following IVF with own oocytes (IVF-OO). Subgroups were formed according to the presence or absence of the clinical signs of moderate or severe preeclampsia (PE). Morphological examination was performed on placental material (placental discs) and the placental bed obtained after childbirth. Results. In the development of preeclampsia, the signs of immune alteration of the placenta have approximately the same severity in groups following IVF-SM, IVF-OD and IVF-