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Draft genome sequences of Hirudo medicinalis and salivary transcriptome of three closely related medicinal leeches

Babenko V. V., Podgorny O. V., Manuvera V. A., Kasianov A. S., Manolov A. I., Grafskaia E. N., Shirokov D. A., Kurdyumov A. S., Vinogradov D. V., Nikitina A. S., Kovalchuk S. I., Anikanov N. A., Butenko I. O., Pobeguts O. V., Matyushkina D. S., Rakitina D. V., Kostryukova E. S., Zgoda V. G., Baskova I. P., Trukhan V. M., Gelfand M. S., Govorun V. M., Sh`yot Kh. B., Lazarev V. N.
BMC Genomics
Vol.21, Issue1, Num.331
Опубликовано: 2020
Тип ресурса: Статья


Background: Salivary cell secretion (SCS) plays a critical role in blood feeding by medicinal leeches, making them of use for certain medical purposes even today. Results: We annotated the Hirudo medicinalis genome and performed RNA-seq on salivary cells isolated from three closely related leech species, H. medicinalis, Hirudo orientalis, and Hirudo verbana. Differential expression analysis verified by proteomics identified salivary cell-specific gene expression, many of which encode previously unknown salivary components. However, the genes encoding known anticoagulants have been found to be expressed not only in salivary cells. The function-related analysis of the unique salivary cell genes enabled an update of the concept of interactions between salivary proteins and components of haemostasis. Conclusions: Here we report a genome draft of Hirudo medicinalis and describe identification of novel salivary proteins and new homologs of genes encoding known anticoagulants in transcriptome
Ключевые слова:
Anticoagulants; Genome; Haematophagy; Leech H. medicinalis; Systems biology
adenosine; adenosine monophosphate deaminase; alpha 2 macroglobulin; antistasin; apyrase; carbonate dehydratase; cystatin; ficolin; low density lipoprotein receptor; messenger RNA; proteinase; saliva protein; superoxide dismutase; transcriptome; Article; cell isolation; cellular secretion; drug mechanism; gene expression; gene sequence; genetic code; genetic transcription; Hirudo; Hirudo medicinalis; Hirudo orientalis; Hirudo verbana; nonhuman; protein domain; protein interaction; proteomics; RNA sequence; saliva analysis; sequence analysis
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 1471-2164
Babenko V. V.
Podgorny O. V.
Manuvera V. A.
Kasianov A. S.
Manolov A. I.
Grafskaia E. N.
Shirokov D. A.
Kurdyumov A. S.
Vinogradov D. V.
Nikitina A. S.
Kovalchuk S. I.
Anikanov N. A.
Butenko I. O.
Pobeguts O. V.
Matyushkina D. S.
Rakitina D. V.
Kostryukova E. S.
Zgoda V. G.
Baskova I. P.
Trukhan V. M. Vladimir Mikhaylovich 1971-
Gelfand M. S.
Govorun V. M.
Sh`yot Kh. B. Khel`gi Birgir 1965-
Lazarev V. N.
Бабенко В. В.
Подгорнy О. В.
Манувера В. А.
Касианов А. С.
Манолов А. И.
Графскаиа Е. Н.
Широков Д. А.
Курдюмов А. С.
Виноградов Д. В.
Никитина А. С.
Ковалчук С. И.
Аниканов Н. А.
Бутенко И. О.
Побегуц О. В.
Матюшкина Д. С.
Ракитина Д. В.
Кострюкова Е. С.
Згода В. Г.
Баскова И. П.
Трухан В. М. Владимир Михайлович 1971-
Гелфанд М. С.
Говорун В. М.
Шьёт Х. Б. Хельги Биргир 1965-
Лазарев В. Н.
Draft genome sequences of Hirudo medicinalis and salivary transcriptome of three closely related medicinal leeches
Текст визуальный непосредственный
BMC Genomics
BioMed Central Ltd.
Vol.21, Issue1 Num.331
Anticoagulants Genome Haematophagy Leech H. medicinalis Systems biology
adenosine adenosine monophosphate deaminase alpha 2 macroglobulin antistasin apyrase carbonate dehydratase cystatin ficolin low density lipoprotein receptor messenger RNA proteinase saliva protein superoxide dismutase transcriptome Article cell isolation cellular secretion drug mechanism gene expression gene sequence genetic code genetic transcription Hirudo Hirudo medicinalis Hirudo orientalis Hirudo verbana nonhuman protein domain protein interaction proteomics RNA sequence saliva analysis sequence analysis
Background: Salivary cell secretion (SCS) plays a critical role in blood feeding by medicinal leeches, making them of use for certain medical purposes even today. Results: We annotated the Hirudo medicinalis genome and performed RNA-seq on salivary cells isolated from three closely related leech species, H. medicinalis, Hirudo orientalis, and Hirudo verbana. Differential expression analysis verified by proteomics identified salivary cell-specific gene expression, many of which encode previously unknown salivary components. However, the genes encoding known anticoagulants have been found to be expressed not only in salivary cells. The function-related analysis of the unique salivary cell genes enabled an update of the concept of interactions between salivary proteins and components of haemostasis. Conclusions: Here we report a genome draft of Hirudo medicinalis and describe identification of novel salivary proteins and new homologs of genes encoding known anticoagulants in transcriptome