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The role of integrins in the formation of the placental increment (placenta accreta spectrum)

Efimova V.A., Rudenko E.E., Мурашко А.В.[1], Lobanova O.A.
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 9, № 1, С. 5-12
Опубликовано: 15 ЯНВ02 2022
Тип ресурса: Статья; Обзор


One of the most serious pregnancy complications is currently considered as a violation of cytotrophoblast invasion, particularly, a pathologically increased depth of invasion, leading to the formation of the placental increment (placenta accreta), ingrowth (placenta increta), and germination (placenta percreta). Cytotrophoblast invasion is regulated through subtle intercellular interactions, an important role among which is played by integrins, transmembrane glycoproteins that contribute to the immersion of cytotrophoblast in the endometrium and myometrium. The balance disturbance in the expression of 11, 51, and 64 integrins after normal implantation form a pathological extravillous trophoblast (EVT) phenotype by the blastocyst. This review examines the importance of integrins, collagens, and fibronectin in the formation of placental ingrowth (placenta accreta spectrum).
[1]Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова МЗ РФ
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2313-8726
Efimova V.A. Viktoriya A.
Rudenko E.E. Ekaterina E.
Мурашко А.В. Андрей Владимирович Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова МЗ РФ
Lobanova O.A. Ol’ga A.
Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова МЗ РФ
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Murashko A.V. Andrey V. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
The role of integrins in the formation of the placental increment (placenta accreta spectrum)
Текст визуальный электронный
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 9, № 1 С. 5-12
placenta accreta spectrum
placenta accreta spectrum
инвазия цитотрофобласта
cytotrophoblast invasion
One of the most serious pregnancy complications is currently considered as a violation of cytotrophoblast invasion, particularly, a pathologically increased depth of invasion, leading to the formation of the placental increment (placenta accreta), ingrowth (placenta increta), and germination (placenta percreta). Cytotrophoblast invasion is regulated through subtle intercellular interactions, an important role among which is played by integrins, transmembrane glycoproteins that contribute to the immersion of cytotrophoblast in the endometrium and myometrium. The balance disturbance in the expression of 11, 51, and 64 integrins after normal implantation form a pathological extravillous trophoblast (EVT) phenotype by the blastocyst. This review examines the importance of integrins, collagens, and fibronectin in the formation of placental ingrowth (placenta accreta spectrum).