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Possibilities of using the SMARTXIDE2 V2LR laser system after reconstructive plastic surgery with use mesh prostheses for genital prolapse

Shul’china I.V., Ishchenko A.I., Ishchenko A.A., Gilyadova A.V.
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 7, № 1, С. 43-46
Опубликовано: 19 2020
Тип ресурса: Статья



<strong>Introduction</strong>. Prolapse of pelvic organs is a polyetiological disease, manifested by a displacement of the uterus and he vaginal walls to the genital slit and/or by going beyond it. The urgency of the problem of prolapse of pelvic organ is associated with a tendency for an increase of morbidity in both elderly women due to increased expectancy of life and women of the reproductive period.

<strong>Material and methods</strong>. The study included 62 patients, age of them was 4275 years. All women were underwent surgical correction with a transvaginal installation of the front mesh implant Gineflex with intraoperative extraction of fragments of the mucous membrane of the anterior wall of vagina with subsequent histological examination, as well as fragments of the mesh prosthesis after its installation and processing of the vaginal mucosa of the SmartXide2 V2LR laser system. Patients were separated on the two group taking into account the operating mode parameters of the fractional CO2 laser. In the 1st group, with a total laser energy of exposure 8.13 J/cm2, included 32 patients, in the 2nd, with a total laser energy of impact 1.48 J/cm2, 30 patients. Transvaginal installation of the anterior mesh prosthesis Gineflex was complemented such the surgical interventions as extraperitoneal ligature hysterosuspension, posterior colporography, colpoperineoplasty, installation of Urosling, Manchester operation, supravaginal uterine amputation, adnexectomy in depending on the accompanied pathology.

<strong>Results</strong>. In the patients were determined IIIV stages of genital prolapse with using the POP-Q assessment system. During histological examination of a sample of biopsy of the vaginal mucosa, the thickness of walls ranged from 155 to 628 m. During microscopy on fragments of mesh prostheses in the 1st group, fragmentary destruction of the fibers of all formed was noted, which not have been detected in the examination of a samples of patients of the 2nd group, where the total laser energy was less on 6.65 J/m2.

<strong>Conclusion</strong>. In patients with surgical correction of genital prolapse with using of a mesh implant upon the using the certain characteristics of SmartXide2 V2LR laser system for the exposure of the vaginal mucosa occurs partial destruction of the fibers of the mesh prosthesis, which allows to reduce the degree of tissue tension and consequently allows to reduce the level of complications after surgical diseases is associated with implantation a mesh prosthesis that does not reduce the effectiveness of this surgical treatment. This technique is safe, has no restrictions on the age and somatic status of patients, increases the tolerance of the postoperative period of surgical correction.

Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2313-8726
Shul’china I.V.
Ishchenko A.I. Anatoliy I.
Ishchenko A.A.
Gilyadova A.V.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), V.F. Snegirev Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И. М. Сеченова Минздрава России (Сеченовский Университет)
I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)
Possibilities of using the SMARTXIDE2 V2LR laser system after reconstructive plastic surgery with use mesh prostheses for genital prolapse
Текст визуальный электронный
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 7, № 1 С. 43-46
пролапс гениталий
genital prolaps
сетчатый протез
mesh prosthesis
mesh-ассоциированные осложнения
mesh-associated complications
хирургическая коррекция пролапса гениталий
surgical correction of genital prolapsed
СО2-фракционный лазер
CO2 fractional laser
хроническая тазовая боль
chronic pelvic pain
атрофия влагалища
atrophy of vagina
трансвагинальная установка переднего сетчатого протеза
transvaginal installation of anterior mesh prosthesis

<strong>Introduction</strong>. Prolapse of pelvic organs is a polyetiological disease, manifested by a displacement of the uterus and he vaginal walls to the genital slit and/or by going beyond it. The urgency of the problem of prolapse of pelvic organ is associated with a tendency for an increase of morbidity in both elderly women due to increased expectancy of life and women of the reproductive period.

<strong>Material and methods</strong>. The study included 62 patients, age of them was 4275 years. All women were underwent surgical correction with a transvaginal installation of the front mesh implant Gineflex with intraoperative extraction of fragments of the mucous membrane of the anterior wall of vagina with subsequent histological examination, as well as fragments of the mesh prosthesis after its installation and processing of the vaginal mucosa of the SmartXide2 V2LR laser system. Patients were separated on the two group taking into account the operating mode parameters of the fractional CO2 laser. In the 1st group, with a total laser energy of exposure 8.13 J/cm2, included 32 patients, in the 2nd, with a total laser energy of impact 1.48 J/cm2, 30 patients. Transvaginal installation of the anterior mesh prosthesis Gineflex was complemented such the surgical interventions as extraperitoneal ligature hysterosuspension, posterior colporography, colpoperineoplasty, installation of Urosling, Manchester operation, supravaginal uterine amputation, adnexectomy in depending on the accompanied pathology.

<strong>Results</strong>. In the patients were determined IIIV stages of genital prolapse with using the POP-Q assessment system. During histological examination of a sample of biopsy of the vaginal mucosa, the thickness of walls ranged from 155 to 628 m. During microscopy on fragments of mesh prostheses in the 1st group, fragmentary destruction of the fibers of all formed was noted, which not have been detected in the examination of a samples of patients of the 2nd group, where the total laser energy was less on 6.65 J/m2.

<strong>Conclusion</strong>. In patients with surgical correction of genital prolapse with using of a mesh implant upon the using the certain characteristics of SmartXide2 V2LR laser system for the exposure of the vaginal mucosa occurs partial destruction of the fibers of the mesh prosthesis, which allows to reduce the degree of tissue tension and consequently allows to reduce the level of complications after surgical diseases is associated with implantation a mesh prosthesis that does not reduce the effectiveness of this surgical treatment. This technique is safe, has no restrictions on the age and somatic status of patients, increases the tolerance of the postoperative period of surgical correction.