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Feto-fetal hemotransfusion syndrome

Babushkin I.A.
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 2, № 1, С. 4-12
Опубликовано: 15 2015
Тип ресурса: Статья
The development of accessory reproductive technologies led to an increase in the incidence of plural pregnancies, including cases with monochorial twins. A specific feature of monochorial gestation is the formation of shunts between the circulation systems of the two fetuses. The resultant interfetal hemotransfusion can lead to the development of the feto-fetal hemotransfusion syndrome (FFHTS). Analysis of published data on the epidemiology, early diagnosis, and treatment of FFHTS indicates that the syndrome develops in 5-15[%] of monochorial twins at <32 weeks of gestation. The mortality in untreated cases reaches 80-90[%]. Te main diagnostic methods are ultrasonography, dopplerography, and magnetic imaging. The therapies used most often are amnion reduction and selective laser photocoagulation of vascular anastomoses. The survival of at least one of the fetuses after therapy is 85-92[%], of both fetuses 44-70[%]. In cases with postoperative complications the survival reduces to 29-88[%] for one and 0-58[%] for both fetuses. Hence, poor survival parameters necessitate the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods for timely detection of the syndrome and elimination of its causes.
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2313-8726
Babushkin I.A.
Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова МЗ РФ
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Feto-fetal hemotransfusion syndrome
Текст визуальный электронный
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 2, № 1 С. 4-12
синдром фето-фетальной гемотрансфузии
feto-fetal hemotransfusion syndrome
перинатальная смертность
perinatal mortality
сосудистые анастомозы
vascular anastomoses
лазерная фотокоагуляция
laser photocoagulation
The development of accessory reproductive technologies led to an increase in the incidence of plural pregnancies, including cases with monochorial twins. A specific feature of monochorial gestation is the formation of shunts between the circulation systems of the two fetuses. The resultant interfetal hemotransfusion can lead to the development of the feto-fetal hemotransfusion syndrome (FFHTS). Analysis of published data on the epidemiology, early diagnosis, and treatment of FFHTS indicates that the syndrome develops in 5-15[%] of monochorial twins at <32 weeks of gestation. The mortality in untreated cases reaches 80-90[%]. Te main diagnostic methods are ultrasonography, dopplerography, and magnetic imaging. The therapies used most often are amnion reduction and selective laser photocoagulation of vascular anastomoses. The survival of at least one of the fetuses after therapy is 85-92[%], of both fetuses 44-70[%]. In cases with postoperative complications the survival reduces to 29-88[%] for one and 0-58[%] for both fetuses. Hence, poor survival parameters necessitate the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods for timely detection of the syndrome and elimination of its causes.