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Baburin D.V., Unanyan A.L., Sidorova I.S., Kudrina E.A., Ishchenko A.I.
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 4, № 4, С. 201-207
Опубликовано: 15 2017
Тип ресурса: Статья


The aim of the study is to identify the most significant clinical and anamnestic risk factors for the onset and progression of endometrial hyperplastic processes and the development of malignant transformation of endometrium in women of perimenopausal age, with taking into account their importance on the basis of statistical analysis. Methods. Based on Spearman’s correlation analysis and determination the degree of dependence of the development of endometrial cancer (from 0 to 1) on clinical-anamnestic and diagnostic risk factors (risk ratio (RR) in groups), there were obtained coefficients for a mathematical model allowing with the use of the binary logistic regression method predict the risk of the appearance of endometrial cancer. Results. The most clinically and statistically significant risk factors for the progression of the pathological process of the endometrium, having a high RR (greater than 1) and a confidence interval of 95[%] (p < 0.05), are (in the order of significance): recurrence of the endometrial hyperplastic process, obesity, the pronounced blood flow in Ultrasound with color Doppler mapping, polycystic ovary syndrome, abnormal ovarian formations, infertility (primary and secondary), type 2 diabetes mellitus, combined uterine pathology (myoma and/or adenomyosis), hereditary predisposition to cancer development, hypertension, age of 50 years and older. Conclusion. The tactics of the management and treatment of patients with hyperplastic endometrial processes should be based on the detection of the degree of the risk of the progression of pathological processes and the development of the malignant transformation of the endometrium. The study of the individual prognosis of endometrial cancer in patients with hyperplastic endometrial processes currently is becoming increasingly important due to the need to construct a rational treatment plan of the management and performing the follow-up dispensary observation on the basis of a scientifically justified forecast. Results obtained during our work allowed us identify statistically significant risk factors for the development of endometrial cancer. There were obtained coefficients for the creation a reliable mathematical model. With the use of the method of binary logistic regression, it is possible to calculate the risk of developing cancer and choose an effective management tactic for patients with hyperplastic endometrial processes at the perimenopausal age.
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 2313-8726
Baburin D.V. Dmitry V.
Unanyan A.L. Ara L.
Sidorova I.S.
Kudrina E.A. Elena A.
Ishchenko A.I.
Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова МЗ РФ
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Текст визуальный электронный
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 4, № 4 С. 201-207
гиперпластический процесс эндометрия
hyperplastic process of endometrium
гиперплазия эндометрия
endometrial hyperplasia
рак эндометрия
endometrial cancer
факторы риска
risk factors
The aim of the study is to identify the most significant clinical and anamnestic risk factors for the onset and progression of endometrial hyperplastic processes and the development of malignant transformation of endometrium in women of perimenopausal age, with taking into account their importance on the basis of statistical analysis. Methods. Based on Spearman’s correlation analysis and determination the degree of dependence of the development of endometrial cancer (from 0 to 1) on clinical-anamnestic and diagnostic risk factors (risk ratio (RR) in groups), there were obtained coefficients for a mathematical model allowing with the use of the binary logistic regression method predict the risk of the appearance of endometrial cancer. Results. The most clinically and statistically significant risk factors for the progression of the pathological process of the endometrium, having a high RR (greater than 1) and a confidence interval of 95[%] (p < 0.05), are (in the order of significance): recurrence of the endometrial hyperplastic process, obesity, the pronounced blood flow in Ultrasound with color Doppler mapping, polycystic ovary syndrome, abnormal ovarian formations, infertility (primary and secondary), type 2 diabetes mellitus, combined uterine pathology (myoma and/or adenomyosis), hereditary predisposition to cancer development, hypertension, age of 50 years and older. Conclusion. The tactics of the management and treatment of patients with hyperplastic endometrial processes should be based on the detection of the degree of the risk of the progression of pathological processes and the development of the malignant transformation of the endometrium. The study of the individual prognosis of endometrial cancer in patients with hyperplastic endometrial processes currently is becoming increasingly important due to the need to construct a rational treatment plan of the management and performing the follow-up dispensary observation on the basis of a scientifically justified forecast. Results obtained during our work allowed us identify statistically significant risk factors for the development of endometrial cancer. There were obtained coefficients for the creation a reliable mathematical model. With the use of the method of binary logistic regression, it is possible to calculate the risk of developing cancer and choose an effective management tactic for patients with hyperplastic endometrial processes at the perimenopausal age.