Morphofunctional state of the endometrium is one of the key factors determining both the successful implantation and full development of the embryo, including in cycles of «in vitro fertilization» (IVF). The most common cause of the impairment of the structure and function of the endometrium being chronic endometritis (CE), the frequency of its detection in infertile patients varies between 13 and 68[%], reaching its maximum in women with tubal peritoneal factor and unsuccessful attempts of IVF in the anamnesis. The increasing prevalence and steady growth of the currently occurrence rate of CE cases in infertility is promoted by an increase in the role of intrauterine contraception and intrauterine interventions, including artificial abortions. On the other hand, happened in the last decades the evolution of the etiologic factor of CE towards the predominance of associations of facultative and obligate anaerobic microorganisms and viruses in the endometrium often leads to the development of erased, sluggish and atypical forms of the disease, which significantly hamper the diagnosis of CE and significantly reduce the effectiveness of traditional schemes of its treatment. CE is a clinically significant nosological form requiring the timely detection and treatment. The complex phased and pathogenetically substantiated therapy of CE in most cases leads to the restoration of the morphofunctional potential of the endometrium and, as a consequence, promotes the successful realization of the reproductive function.
Unanyan A.L. Ara L.
Kossovich Y.M. Yu. M
Demura T.A.
Baburin D.V. Dmitry V.
Sidorova I.S.
Ishchenko A.I.
Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова МЗ РФ
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Текст визуальный электронный
Архив акушерства и гинекологии им. В.Ф. Снегирева
Т. 4, № 4 С. 208-213
воспалительные заболевания органов малого таза
inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
гиперплазия соединительной ткани
connective tissue hyperplasia
невынашивание беременности
miscarriage of pregnancy
репродуктивный возраст
reproductive age
синдром Ашермана
Asherman’s syndrome
хронический эндометрит
chronic endometritis
Morphofunctional state of the endometrium is one of the key factors determining both the successful implantation and full development of the embryo, including in cycles of «in vitro fertilization» (IVF). The most common cause of the impairment of the structure and function of the endometrium being chronic endometritis (CE), the frequency of its detection in infertile patients varies between 13 and 68[%], reaching its maximum in women with tubal peritoneal factor and unsuccessful attempts of IVF in the anamnesis. The increasing prevalence and steady growth of the currently occurrence rate of CE cases in infertility is promoted by an increase in the role of intrauterine contraception and intrauterine interventions, including artificial abortions. On the other hand, happened in the last decades the evolution of the etiologic factor of CE towards the predominance of associations of facultative and obligate anaerobic microorganisms and viruses in the endometrium often leads to the development of erased, sluggish and atypical forms of the disease, which significantly hamper the diagnosis of CE and significantly reduce the effectiveness of traditional schemes of its treatment. CE is a clinically significant nosological form requiring the timely detection and treatment. The complex phased and pathogenetically substantiated therapy of CE in most cases leads to the restoration of the morphofunctional potential of the endometrium and, as a consequence, promotes the successful realization of the reproductive function.