Purpose. To present the possibility of the computed tomography (CT) in determination of a kidney injury for improving the quality of diagnostics and treatment of this group of patients. Materials and methods. Analyzed data comes from 72 T-researches with 50 patients with kidney injury at the closed injury of a stomach who were on treatment in Sklifosovsky Research and Clinical Institute for Emergency Medicine. Data of T was verified with the results of operations and autopsies. For determination of injury severity of a kidney the scale of Organ Injury Scale (OIS) was used. Results and discussion. Kidney injuries of the 1 degree (a contusion of a kidney and a subcapsular hematoma) were found in 12 patients, including the one with pre-existing pathology. Injuries of a kidney of the II degree were revealed in 14 patients: a cortical gap-in 9 cases, a subcapsular hematoma of a kidney with gap signs-in 3 cases; a subcapsular cyst with symptoms of hemorrhage and a gap-in two patients. Kidney
Бармина Т. Г.
Шарифуллин Ф. А. Фаат Абдул-Каюмович 1957-
Абакумов М. М.
Забавская О. А. Ольга Александровна 1968-
Barmina T. G.
Sharifullin F. A. Faat Abdul-Kayumovich 1957-
Abakumov M. M.
Zabavskaya O. A. Ol`ga Aleksandrovna 1968-
Computed tomography in kidney injuries diagnosis
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Российский электронный журнал лучевой диагностики
Национальный конгресс лучевых диагностов
Т. 8, Вып. 2 С. 123-133
Computed tomography Organ Injury Scale (OIS) Severity of a kidney injury
Purpose. To present the possibility of the computed tomography (CT) in determination of a kidney injury for improving the quality of diagnostics and treatment of this group of patients. Materials and methods. Analyzed data comes from 72 T-researches with 50 patients with kidney injury at the closed injury of a stomach who were on treatment in Sklifosovsky Research and Clinical Institute for Emergency Medicine. Data of T was verified with the results of operations and autopsies. For determination of injury severity of a kidney the scale of Organ Injury Scale (OIS) was used. Results and discussion. Kidney injuries of the 1 degree (a contusion of a kidney and a subcapsular hematoma) were found in 12 patients, including the one with pre-existing pathology. Injuries of a kidney of the II degree were revealed in 14 patients: a cortical gap-in 9 cases, a subcapsular hematoma of a kidney with gap signs-in 3 cases; a subcapsular cyst with symptoms of hemorrhage and a gap-in two patients. Kidney