Internal control system in enterprise management: Analysis and interaction matrices
Akhmetshin E. M., Vasilev V. L., Mironov D. S., Зацариннайа Е. И., Romanova M. V., Yumashev A. V.
European Research Studies Journal
Vol.21, Issue2, P. 728-740
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья
This study is aimed at the development of a guideline for analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise to control and ensure the interaction of tasks and functions of management in the current and strategic aspects in the conditions of innovative development. The proprietary methodology for enterprise management control system formation is developed. The concept of matrices of analysis and interaction between the functions of the enterprise management is introduced. The matrix of operational control and management, the matrix of strategic control and management, the matrix of integrated control and management are considered by the authors. The concept of enterprise management control is considered herein. The objectives of the management control system in the modern economy are also described. The key role of control in the implementation of the current and strategic objectives of the enterprise management is substantiated. The proposals are formulated to improve the control func
Ключевые слова:
Control; Integrated flexible internal control; Internal control system; Management; Strategic control; Strategic control matrix
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 1108-2976
Akhmetshin E. M.
Vasilev V. L.
Mironov D. S.
Зацариннайа Е. И.
Romanova M. V.
Yumashev A. V. Aleksej Valeryevich 1970-
Ахметшин Е. М.
Василев В. Л.
Миронов Д. С.
Zatsarinnaya E. I.
Романова М. В.
Юмашев А. В. Алексей Валерьевич 1970-
Internal control system in enterprise management: Analysis and interaction matrices
Текст визуальный непосредственный
European Research Studies Journal
Vol.21, Issue2 P. 728-740
Control Integrated flexible internal control Internal control system Management Strategic control Strategic control matrix
This study is aimed at the development of a guideline for analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise to control and ensure the interaction of tasks and functions of management in the current and strategic aspects in the conditions of innovative development. The proprietary methodology for enterprise management control system formation is developed. The concept of matrices of analysis and interaction between the functions of the enterprise management is introduced. The matrix of operational control and management, the matrix of strategic control and management, the matrix of integrated control and management are considered by the authors. The concept of enterprise management control is considered herein. The objectives of the management control system in the modern economy are also described. The key role of control in the implementation of the current and strategic objectives of the enterprise management is substantiated. The proposals are formulated to improve the control func