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SWOT analysis of the marketing environment of a private multidisciplinary clinic

Savinova O. V., Litvinova T. M., Babaskin D. V., Babaskina L. I., Udovichenko E. V.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Vol.10, Issue7, P. 1863-1866
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья
The use of such modern management techniques as marketing research in the private health care sector and the use of the results in planning the activities of health organizations will enhance the competitive advantages of a multidisciplinary clinic in the growing market of paid medical services. The objective is to conduct a situation analysis (SWOT analysis) of the marketing environment of a private multidisciplinary clinic to optimize the clinic's management and improve the competitive advantages in the market of existing health care services. Materials and methods. The official statistics data and statistical reports of the researched medical organizations were used. The method of statistical analysis of the data for the studied period, the frequency analysis of provided medical services and the quantitative method of STEP analysis were used. Results and discussion. The results of frequency analysis of provided medical services and SWOT analysis of the marketing macroenvironment of
Ключевые слова:
Marketing environment; Medical organization; STEP analysis; SWOT analysis
adult; article; consultation; frequency analysis; gynecology; human; marketing; medical service; musculoskeletal system; obstetrics; organization; quantitative analysis; statistics; surgery; traumatology
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 0975-1459
Savinova O. V. Ol`ga Vladimirovna 1970-
Litvinova T. M. Tat`yana Mikhaylovna 1962-
Babaskin D. V. Dmitrij Vladimirovich 1979-
Babaskina L. I. Lyudmila Ivanovna 1952-
Udovichenko E. V. Elena Vyacheslavovna 1949-
Савинова О. В. Ольга Владимировна 1970-
Литвинова Т. М. Татьяна Михайловна 1962-
Бабаскин Д. В. Дмитрий Владимирович 1979-
Бабаскина Л. И. Людмила Ивановна 1952-
Удовиченко Е. В. Елена Вячеславовна 1949-
SWOT analysis of the marketing environment of a private multidisciplinary clinic
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Vol.10, Issue7 P. 1863-1866
Marketing environment Medical organization STEP analysis SWOT analysis
adult article consultation frequency analysis gynecology human marketing medical service musculoskeletal system obstetrics organization quantitative analysis statistics surgery traumatology
The use of such modern management techniques as marketing research in the private health care sector and the use of the results in planning the activities of health organizations will enhance the competitive advantages of a multidisciplinary clinic in the growing market of paid medical services. The objective is to conduct a situation analysis (SWOT analysis) of the marketing environment of a private multidisciplinary clinic to optimize the clinic's management and improve the competitive advantages in the market of existing health care services. Materials and methods. The official statistics data and statistical reports of the researched medical organizations were used. The method of statistical analysis of the data for the studied period, the frequency analysis of provided medical services and the quantitative method of STEP analysis were used. Results and discussion. The results of frequency analysis of provided medical services and SWOT analysis of the marketing macroenvironment of