The paper discribes dissolution profile studies for desmopressin drugs 0,2 mg in four dissolution media: 0,1 M hydrochloric acid, acetate buffer pH 4,5, phosphate buffer pH 6,8 and water enriched with helium. Dissolution studies were carried out using Apparatus 2 at 75 rpm. Assay was performed by HPLC. © 2018, Folium Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова:
Desmopressin; Dissolution profile test; HPLC
acetic acid; buffer; desmopressin; helium; hydrochloric acid; phosphate; water; Article; drug solubility; high performance liquid chromatography; pH
Фишер Е. Н. Елизавета Николаевна 1993-
Шохин И. Е. Игорь Евгеньевич 1985-
Комаров Т. Н.
Малашенко Е. А. Евгения Александровна 1987-
Медведев Ю. В. Юрий Владимирович 1983-
Раменская Г. В. Галина Владиславовна 1972-
Fisher E. N. Elizaveta Nikolaevna 1993-
Shokhin I. E. Igor` Evgenyevich 1985-
Komarov T. N.
Malashenko E. A. Evgeniya Aleksandrovna 1987-
Medvedev Yu. V. Yurij Vladimirovich 1983-
Ramenskaya G. V. Galina Vladislavovna 1972-
Dissolution profile test for desmopressin
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Биофармацевтический журнал
ООО "Фолиум"
Т. 10, Вып. 4 С. 51-56
Desmopressin Dissolution profile test HPLC
acetic acid buffer desmopressin helium hydrochloric acid phosphate water Article drug solubility high performance liquid chromatography pH
The paper discribes dissolution profile studies for desmopressin drugs 0,2 mg in four dissolution media: 0,1 M hydrochloric acid, acetate buffer pH 4,5, phosphate buffer pH 6,8 and water enriched with helium. Dissolution studies were carried out using Apparatus 2 at 75 rpm. Assay was performed by HPLC. © 2018, Folium Ltd. All rights reserved.