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Influence of pharmacological preconditioning on the results of lifting operations efficiency

Manturova N. E., Stupin V. A., Smirnova G. O., Silina E. V.
Vol.4, Issue8, Num.e00758
Опубликовано: 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья


The main aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness and safety of lifting operations in women with varying degrees of involuntary changes of facial skin, in particular when applying pharmacological conditioning, with the objectification of the role of the latter. Materials and methods: A research and surgical treatment were conducted to eliminate involutional changes of various degrees in the facial skin of 461 women aged 35–75 years. Surface lifting was performed in 20.2[%] of patients, SMAS-lifting – 49.0[%], SMAS-lifting with a three-level endoscopic assist lift of the lower face zone was performed in 30.8[%] of women. Before the surgery in 13.2[%] of cases, I degree of involutional changes in facial skin was registered, 47.9[%] – grade II, 38.9[%] – grade III. Patients were divided into two comparable groups. With the standard preparation without additional drug correction, 299 women (64.9[%]) were operated on in the preoperative period, they made up a comparison group. The main group in
Ключевые слова:
Medicine; Surgery
Язык текста: Английский
ISSN: 2405-8440
Manturova N. E.
Stupin V. A.
Smirnova G. O.
Silina E. V. Ekaterina Vladimirovna 1980-
Мантюрова Н. Е.
Стюпин В. А.
Смирнова Г. О.
Силина Е. В. Екатерина Владимировна 1980-
Influence of pharmacological preconditioning on the results of lifting operations efficiency
Текст визуальный непосредственный
Vol.4, Issue8 Num.e00758
Medicine Surgery
The main aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness and safety of lifting operations in women with varying degrees of involuntary changes of facial skin, in particular when applying pharmacological conditioning, with the objectification of the role of the latter. Materials and methods: A research and surgical treatment were conducted to eliminate involutional changes of various degrees in the facial skin of 461 women aged 35–75 years. Surface lifting was performed in 20.2[%] of patients, SMAS-lifting – 49.0[%], SMAS-lifting with a three-level endoscopic assist lift of the lower face zone was performed in 30.8[%] of women. Before the surgery in 13.2[%] of cases, I degree of involutional changes in facial skin was registered, 47.9[%] – grade II, 38.9[%] – grade III. Patients were divided into two comparable groups. With the standard preparation without additional drug correction, 299 women (64.9[%]) were operated on in the preoperative period, they made up a comparison group. The main group in