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Генерация активных форм кислорода лейкоцитами крови у больных бронхиальной астмой

Даниляк И.Г.[1], Коган А.Х.[1], Болевич С.[1]
№ 1, С. 39-42
Опубликовано: 1991
Тип ресурса: Статья
Generation of active oxygen forms by blood leucocytes (GAOFL) was studied in 84 bronchial asthma patients and 20 normal donors. Baseline value of chemolum inescence (CL) and stimulated CL value were determined with the method of luminol-dependent CL. Both CL values were increasing in bronchial asthma patients during exacerbation in comparison to normal donors. Both CL values were decreasing and approached normal ones in remission. CL values were higher in aspirin-induced bronchial asthma than in atopic and exerciseinduced asthm a. CL values were significantly higher in moderate and severe exacerbations than in mild ones. The findings above argue, to a certain extent, for the participation of active oxygen forms in bronchial asthma pathogenesis.
[1]ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 0869-0189
Даниляк И.Г. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Коган А.Х. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Болевич С. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Daniliack I.G. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Kogan A.H. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Bolevic S. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Generation of active oxygen forms by blood leucocytes in bronchial asthma patients
Генерация активных форм кислорода лейкоцитами крови у больных бронхиальной астмой
Текст визуальный электронный
№ 1 С. 39-42
Generation of active oxygen forms by blood leucocytes (GAOFL) was studied in 84 bronchial asthma patients and 20 normal donors. Baseline value of chemolum inescence (CL) and stimulated CL value were determined with the method of luminol-dependent CL. Both CL values were increasing in bronchial asthma patients during exacerbation in comparison to normal donors. Both CL values were decreasing and approached normal ones in remission. CL values were higher in aspirin-induced bronchial asthma than in atopic and exerciseinduced asthm a. CL values were significantly higher in moderate and severe exacerbations than in mild ones. The findings above argue, to a certain extent, for the participation of active oxygen forms in bronchial asthma pathogenesis.