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Бронхиолоальвеолярный рак на фоне идиопатического фиброзирующего альвеолита в стадии «сотового» легкого

Шукурова Р.А.[1], Коган Е.А.[1], Секамова С.М.[1]
№ 2, С. 44-48
Опубликовано: 1991
Тип ресурса: Статья
Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma (BAC) development was observed in 4 (9.3 [%]) of the 43 patients with idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis (IFA). The observed process was characterised by the following pattern: the absence of bronchorrhea, rapid progression accompanied by paraneoplastic reactions. BAC occuring in patients with IFA is morphologically characterized by its development in the stage of honeycomb lung. There is an hypothesis of sclerotic changes in BAR playing a role in IFA , since in the stage of honeycomb lung the cells of terminal airways, bronchioles and alveoli may be a subject to transformation. Open lung biopsy with morphological examination in rapidly progressing IFA, especially in the case of paraneoplastic reactions, is recommended.
[1]ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 0869-0189
Шукурова Р.А. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Коган Е.А. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Секамова С.М. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Shukurova R.A. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Kogan E.A. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Sekamova S.M. ММА им.И.М .Сеченова
Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma associated with idiopatic fibrozing alveolitis in the stage of “honeycomb” lung
Бронхиолоальвеолярный рак на фоне идиопатического фиброзирующего альвеолита в стадии «сотового» легкого
Текст визуальный электронный
№ 2 С. 44-48
Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma (BAC) development was observed in 4 (9.3 [%]) of the 43 patients with idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis (IFA). The observed process was characterised by the following pattern: the absence of bronchorrhea, rapid progression accompanied by paraneoplastic reactions. BAC occuring in patients with IFA is morphologically characterized by its development in the stage of honeycomb lung. There is an hypothesis of sclerotic changes in BAR playing a role in IFA , since in the stage of honeycomb lung the cells of terminal airways, bronchioles and alveoli may be a subject to transformation. Open lung biopsy with morphological examination in rapidly progressing IFA, especially in the case of paraneoplastic reactions, is recommended.