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Laser lithotripsy

Platonova D.V., Zamyatina V.A., Dymov A.M., Kovalenko A.A., Vinarov A.Z., Minaev V.P.
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 6, С. 116-121
Опубликовано: ## 2015
Тип ресурса: Статья
The article describes the diverse methods of stone destruction in urolithiasis patients, including laser lithotripsy as the least traumatic and most efficient method of demolition of all types of urinary stones. Different types of lasers for intracorporeal lithotripsy have different mechanisms of stone fragmentation depending on the type of laser and its radiation parameters. The latest researches showed that new and promising laser modalities for lithotripsy are devices based on thulium (Tm) doped fiber laser, which can not only increase by several times the speed of the of stone fragmentation, but also minimizes the risks of surgical complications, due to the peculiarities of interaction between radiation and biological tissues.
Рубрики Mesh:
Литотрипсия лазерная
Мочевой камень
Мочевой камень - терапия
Журнальная статья
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 1728-2985
Platonova D.V.
Zamyatina V.A.
Dymov A.M.
Kovalenko A.A.
Vinarov A.Z.
Minaev V.P.
Department and Clinic of Urology, Research Institute of Uronephrology and Human Reproductive Health, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow.
Scientific-Technical Association IRE-Polus.
Laser lithotripsy
Текст визуальный электронный
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 6 С. 116-121
holmium laser
laser lithotripsy
thulium laser
Humans B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Человек B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Lithotripsy, Laser E02.594.550 E02.600.500 E04.014.520.550 E04.943.500.500
Литотрипсия лазерная E02.594.550 E02.600.500 E04.014.520.550 E04.943.500.500
Thulium D01.268.558.362.984 D01.552.550.399.984
Тулий D01.268.558.362.984 D01.552.550.399.984
Urinary Calculi C12.050.351.968.967.500 C12.200.777.967.500 C12.950.967.500 C23.300.175.850
Urinary Calculi therapy C12.050.351.968.967.500 C12.200.777.967.500 C12.950.967.500 C23.300.175.850
Мочевой камень C12.050.351.968.967.500 C12.200.777.967.500 C12.950.967.500 C23.300.175.850
Мочевой камень терапия C12.050.351.968.967.500 C12.200.777.967.500 C12.950.967.500 C23.300.175.850
Urolithiasis C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Уролитиаз C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Journal Article V02.600
Журнальная статья V02.600
The article describes the diverse methods of stone destruction in urolithiasis patients, including laser lithotripsy as the least traumatic and most efficient method of demolition of all types of urinary stones. Different types of lasers for intracorporeal lithotripsy have different mechanisms of stone fragmentation depending on the type of laser and its radiation parameters. The latest researches showed that new and promising laser modalities for lithotripsy are devices based on thulium (Tm) doped fiber laser, which can not only increase by several times the speed of the of stone fragmentation, but also minimizes the risks of surgical complications, due to the peculiarities of interaction between radiation and biological tissues.