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The features in preventing recurrent lower urinary tract infection

Gadzhieva Z.K., Kazilov Y.B.
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 3 Suppl 3, С. 65-76
Опубликовано: ## 2016
Тип ресурса: Статья; Обзор
This review outlines characteristics of medications most commonly used for preventing recurrent lower urinary tract infection (UTI). It shows that the treatment and prophylaxis of UTI should be comprehensive and include the restoration of the normal urogenital tract anatomy and use in addition to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, agents, normalizing the function of the lower urinary tract, as well as drugs for local and systemic immunoprophylaxis, protection of the urothelium from recurrent infection, local hormone replacement therapy in menopause, and dietary supplements to acidify the urine.
Рубрики Mesh:
Антибактериальные средства - терапевтическое применение
Противовоспалительные средства - терапевтическое применение
Гормонозамещающая терапия
Средний возраст
Мочевой пузырь - патология
Мочевая система - патология
Мочевых путей инфекции - патология
Мочевых путей инфекции - патофизиология
Мочевых путей инфекции - профилактика и контроль
Мочевых путей инфекции - терапия
Журнальная статья
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 1728-2985
Gadzhieva Z.K.
Kazilov Y.B. Yu B
Urology Clinic, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Research Institute of Uronephrology and Human Reproductive Health.
The features in preventing recurrent lower urinary tract infection
Текст визуальный электронный
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 3 Suppl 3 С. 65-76
antibiotic therapy
cranberry preparation
hormone replacement therapy
lower urinary tract infection
transposition of the urethra
Anti-Bacterial Agents therapeutic use D27.505.954.122.085
Антибактериальные средства терапевтическое применение D27.505.954.122.085
Anti-Inflammatory Agents therapeutic use D27.505.954.158
Противовоспалительные средства терапевтическое применение D27.505.954.158
Hormone Replacement Therapy E02.319.452
Гормонозамещающая терапия E02.319.452
Humans B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Человек B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Middle Aged M01.060.116.630
Средний возраст M01.060.116.630
Phytotherapy E02.190.755
Фитотерапия E02.190.755
Recurrence C23.550.291.937
Рецидив C23.550.291.937
Urinary Bladder pathology A05.810.890
Мочевой пузырь патология A05.810.890
Urinary Tract pathology A05.810
Мочевая система патология A05.810
Urinary Tract Infections pathology C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Urinary Tract Infections physiopathology C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Urinary Tract Infections prevention & control C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Urinary Tract Infections therapy C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Мочевых путей инфекции патология C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Мочевых путей инфекции патофизиология C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Мочевых путей инфекции профилактика и контроль C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Мочевых путей инфекции терапия C01.915 C12.050.351.968.892
Journal Article V02.600
Журнальная статья V02.600
Review V02.600.500 V02.912
Обзор V02.600.500 V02.912
This review outlines characteristics of medications most commonly used for preventing recurrent lower urinary tract infection (UTI). It shows that the treatment and prophylaxis of UTI should be comprehensive and include the restoration of the normal urogenital tract anatomy and use in addition to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, agents, normalizing the function of the lower urinary tract, as well as drugs for local and systemic immunoprophylaxis, protection of the urothelium from recurrent infection, local hormone replacement therapy in menopause, and dietary supplements to acidify the urine.