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Renal tumor and urolithiasis: is there a relationship?

Alyaev Y.G., Pshikhachev A.M., Shpot E.V., Akopyan G.N., Proskura A.V.
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 3, С. 104-106
Опубликовано: ## 2016
Тип ресурса: Статья
There is conflicting evidence on the impact of urolithiasis on the risk of developing cancer of kidney and upper urinary tract. Most researchers are of the opinion that there is a definite association between the diseases and clinicians should take the necessary measures to detect possible malignancy of the kidney and upper urinary tract in patients with urolithiasis at the earliest stages. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms that may underlie the development of renal cell carcinoma and urothelial cancer in patients with urolithiasis remain unexplored.
Рубрики Mesh:
Почек новообразования
Почек новообразования - диагностика
Почек новообразования - метаболизм
Почек новообразования - патология
Почек новообразования - терапия
Уролитиаз - диагностика
Уролитиаз - метаболизм
Уролитиаз - патология
Уролитиаз - терапия
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 1728-2985
Alyaev Y.G. Yu G
Pshikhachev A.M.
Shpot E.V.
Akopyan G.N.
Proskura A.V.
Department of Urology, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Research Institute of Uronephrology and Human Reproductive Health, Moscow, the RF.
Renal tumor and urolithiasis: is there a relationship?
Текст визуальный электронный
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 3 С. 104-106
kidney cancer
kidney stone
kidney stones
urothelial cancer
Humans B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Человек B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Kidney Neoplasms C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Kidney Neoplasms diagnosis C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Kidney Neoplasms metabolism C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Kidney Neoplasms pathology C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Kidney Neoplasms therapy C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Почек новообразования C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Почек новообразования диагностика C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Почек новообразования метаболизм C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Почек новообразования патология C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Почек новообразования терапия C04.588.945.947.535 C12.050.351.937.820.535 C12.050.351.968.419.473 C12.200.758.820.750 C12.200.777.419.473 C12.900.820.535 C12.950.419.473 C12.950.983.535
Urolithiasis C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Urolithiasis diagnosis C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Urolithiasis metabolism C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Urolithiasis pathology C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Urolithiasis therapy C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Уролитиаз C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Уролитиаз диагностика C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Уролитиаз метаболизм C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Уролитиаз патология C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Уролитиаз терапия C12.050.351.968.967 C12.200.777.967 C12.950.967
Lecture V02.533
Лекция V02.533
There is conflicting evidence on the impact of urolithiasis on the risk of developing cancer of kidney and upper urinary tract. Most researchers are of the opinion that there is a definite association between the diseases and clinicians should take the necessary measures to detect possible malignancy of the kidney and upper urinary tract in patients with urolithiasis at the earliest stages. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms that may underlie the development of renal cell carcinoma and urothelial cancer in patients with urolithiasis remain unexplored.