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En-bloc laser resection of the urinary bladder tumor

Alyaev Y.G., Rapoport L.M., Vinarov A.Z., Sorokin N.I., Dymov A.M., Kislyakov D.A., Afanasyevskaya E.V., Lekarev V.Y.
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 2, С. 147-153
Опубликовано: ## 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья
Currently, transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TUR) is the gold standart treatment for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Standard TUR for a bladder wall tumor has a high recurrence rate, which is caused mainly by malignant cell implantation during the surgery. Besides, specimens obtained with conventional TUR are insufficient for accurate pathological staging. The non-conformity of the standard TUR with the established oncological principle of dissecting through normal tissue prompted a search for the optimal surgical modality. En-bloc resection of the bladder wall tumor has been proposed as an alternative method for surgical management of NMIBC. This technique involves the resection of bladder tumor through the underlying muscle layer as a single piece thus providing high quality material for subsequent morphological study and reducing the risk of metastasizing by implantation of malignant cells. This paper presents an analysis of relevant research literature published in the last twenty years, describes all currently existing techniques of the bladder tumor resection using a variety of energy sources, including laser.
Рубрики Mesh:
Лазерная терапия - методы
Мочевого пузыря новообразования - диагностика
Мочевого пузыря новообразования - патология
Мочевого пузыря новообразования - хирургия
Журнальная статья
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 1728-2985
Alyaev Y.G. Yu G
Rapoport L.M.
Vinarov A.Z.
Sorokin N.I.
Dymov A.M.
Kislyakov D.A.
Afanasyevskaya E.V.
Lekarev V.Y. V Yu
Research Institute for Uronephrology and Human Reproductive Health, Department and Clinic of Urology, I.M. Sechenov First MSMU, Moscow, Russia.
En-bloc laser resection of the urinary bladder tumor
Текст визуальный электронный
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 2 С. 147-153
en-bloc bladder tumor resection
en-bloc laser resection of the urinary bladder tumor
laser resection of the bladder wall with a tumor
Humans B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Человек B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Laser Therapy methods E02.594 E04.014.520
Лазерная терапия методы E02.594 E04.014.520
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms diagnosis C04.588.945.947.960 C12.050.351.937.820.945 C12.050.351.968.829.707 C12.200.758.820.968 C12.200.777.829.813 C12.900.820.945 C12.950.829.707 C12.950.983.945
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms pathology C04.588.945.947.960 C12.050.351.937.820.945 C12.050.351.968.829.707 C12.200.758.820.968 C12.200.777.829.813 C12.900.820.945 C12.950.829.707 C12.950.983.945
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms surgery C04.588.945.947.960 C12.050.351.937.820.945 C12.050.351.968.829.707 C12.200.758.820.968 C12.200.777.829.813 C12.900.820.945 C12.950.829.707 C12.950.983.945
Мочевого пузыря новообразования диагностика C04.588.945.947.960 C12.050.351.937.820.945 C12.050.351.968.829.707 C12.200.758.820.968 C12.200.777.829.813 C12.900.820.945 C12.950.829.707 C12.950.983.945
Мочевого пузыря новообразования патология C04.588.945.947.960 C12.050.351.937.820.945 C12.050.351.968.829.707 C12.200.758.820.968 C12.200.777.829.813 C12.900.820.945 C12.950.829.707 C12.950.983.945
Мочевого пузыря новообразования хирургия C04.588.945.947.960 C12.050.351.937.820.945 C12.050.351.968.829.707 C12.200.758.820.968 C12.200.777.829.813 C12.900.820.945 C12.950.829.707 C12.950.983.945
Journal Article V02.600
Журнальная статья V02.600
Lecture V02.533
Лекция V02.533
Currently, transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TUR) is the gold standart treatment for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Standard TUR for a bladder wall tumor has a high recurrence rate, which is caused mainly by malignant cell implantation during the surgery. Besides, specimens obtained with conventional TUR are insufficient for accurate pathological staging. The non-conformity of the standard TUR with the established oncological principle of dissecting through normal tissue prompted a search for the optimal surgical modality. En-bloc resection of the bladder wall tumor has been proposed as an alternative method for surgical management of NMIBC. This technique involves the resection of bladder tumor through the underlying muscle layer as a single piece thus providing high quality material for subsequent morphological study and reducing the risk of metastasizing by implantation of malignant cells. This paper presents an analysis of relevant research literature published in the last twenty years, describes all currently existing techniques of the bladder tumor resection using a variety of energy sources, including laser.