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Urinary bladder reconstruction using a free revascularized musculo-cutaneous thoracodorsal autograft. A case report

Glybochko P.V., Reshetov I.V., Rapoport L.M., Istranov A.L., Sukhanov R.B., Gogokhiya M.R., Shchedrina M.A., Adamyan R.T.
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 3, С. 134-140
Опубликовано: ## 2018
Тип ресурса: Статья
The article presents a rare case of urinary bladder reconstruction using thoracodorsal revascularized autograft in a patient with a bladder injury resulting from a road traffic accident. The area and size of the thoracodorsal flap (2215 cm) were determined using a 500 ml latex model of the bladder. The autograft was revascularized through external iliac vessels. From the thoracodorsal autograft, the dome was formed with the dermal part inward, which was fixed along its circumference to the bladder edges with 3/0 prolene sutures. The muscular part of the thoracodorsal flap was fixed along the perimeter to the remaining aponeurosis and covered by a free expanded cutaneous autograft. The surgery resulted in a newly constructed neobladder of sufficient volume (250-300 ml) with elements of the patients own bladder (posterior wall and neck) while sparing the patient from a cystostomy and improving his quality of life.
Рубрики Mesh:
Несчастные случаи транспортные
Мышечно-кожный лоскут - кровоснабжение
Мышечно-кожный лоскут - трансплантация
Методы пластической хирургии - методы
Хирургические лоскуты - кровоснабжение
Хирургические лоскуты - трансплантация
Лечения результатов анализ
Мочевой пузырь - повреждения
Мочевой пузырь - хирургия
Урологические хирургические операции - методы
Описание случаев
Журнальная статья
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 1728-2985
Glybochko P.V.
Reshetov I.V.
Rapoport L.M.
Istranov A.L.
Sukhanov R.B.
Gogokhiya M.R.
Shchedrina M.A.
Adamyan R.T.
Department of Reconstructive Surgery, Oncology and Radiotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine, I.M. Sechenov First MSMU of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Research Institute for Uronephrology and Human Reproductive Health, R.M. Fronstein Clinic of Urology, I.M. Sechenov First MSMU of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Urinary bladder reconstruction using a free revascularized musculo-cutaneous thoracodorsal autograft. A case report
Текст визуальный электронный
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 3 С. 134-140
thoracodorsal autograft
urinary diversion
Accidents, Traffic N06.850.135.392
Несчастные случаи транспортные N06.850.135.392
Adult M01.060.116
Взрослые M01.060.116
Humans B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Человек B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Myocutaneous Flap blood supply A10.850.710.625 E07.862.710.625
Myocutaneous Flap transplantation A10.850.710.625 E07.862.710.625
Мышечно-кожный лоскут кровоснабжение A10.850.710.625 E07.862.710.625
Мышечно-кожный лоскут трансплантация A10.850.710.625 E07.862.710.625
Plastic Surgery Procedures methods E04.617
Методы пластической хирургии методы E04.617
Surgical Flaps blood supply A10.850.710 E07.862.710
Surgical Flaps transplantation A10.850.710 E07.862.710
Хирургические лоскуты кровоснабжение A10.850.710 E07.862.710
Хирургические лоскуты трансплантация A10.850.710 E07.862.710
Treatment Outcome E01.789.800 N04.761.559.590.800 N05.715.360.575.575.800
Лечения результатов анализ E01.789.800 N04.761.559.590.800 N05.715.360.575.575.800
Urinary Bladder injuries A05.810.890
Urinary Bladder surgery A05.810.890
Мочевой пузырь повреждения A05.810.890
Мочевой пузырь хирургия A05.810.890
Urologic Surgical Procedures methods E04.950.774
Урологические хирургические операции методы E04.950.774
Case Reports V03.100
Описание случаев V03.100
Journal Article V02.600
Журнальная статья V02.600
The article presents a rare case of urinary bladder reconstruction using thoracodorsal revascularized autograft in a patient with a bladder injury resulting from a road traffic accident. The area and size of the thoracodorsal flap (2215 cm) were determined using a 500 ml latex model of the bladder. The autograft was revascularized through external iliac vessels. From the thoracodorsal autograft, the dome was formed with the dermal part inward, which was fixed along its circumference to the bladder edges with 3/0 prolene sutures. The muscular part of the thoracodorsal flap was fixed along the perimeter to the remaining aponeurosis and covered by a free expanded cutaneous autograft. The surgery resulted in a newly constructed neobladder of sufficient volume (250-300 ml) with elements of the patients own bladder (posterior wall and neck) while sparing the patient from a cystostomy and improving his quality of life.