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Multidisciplinary approach in urology. Research aspect

Glybochko P.V., Butnaru D.V.
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 4 (), С. 2-6
Опубликовано: ## 2019
Тип ресурса: Статья; Обзор
Multidisciplinary studies in urology is becoming a new global trend which is associated with an emerging of omix technology, big data, the development of IT and other technologies. The concept of "multidisciplinary approach" as well as a brief historical analysis of the development of urologic science are discussed in the article, based on the international Scopus database. An example of a multidisciplinary approach implemented in the Science and Technology Park for Biomedicine of Sechenov University is given. The stages of the creation and implantation of the tissue-engineering urethral wall are described. For the successful development of urologic researches, the active involvement of specialists from various fields of knowledge is required. Such a combination of competencies has already allowed to solve problems of an extremely high level of complexity now, and not in the distant future.
Рубрики Mesh:
Биосовместимые материалы
Тканевая инженерия
Урологические болезни - терапия
Журнальная статья
Язык текста: Русский
ISSN: 1728-2985
Glybochko P.V.
Butnaru D.V.
Science and Technology Park for Biomedicine FGAOU VO of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Multidisciplinary approach in urology. Research aspect
Текст визуальный электронный
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 4 () С. 2-6
multidisciplinary approach
tissue engineering
Biocompatible Materials D25.130 D27.720.102.130 J01.637.051.130
Биосовместимые материалы D25.130 D27.720.102.130 J01.637.051.130
Humans B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Человек B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Tissue Engineering E05.481.500.311.500 J01.
Тканевая инженерия E05.481.500.311.500 J01.
Urologic Diseases therapy C12.050.351.968 C12.200.777 C12.950
Урологические болезни терапия C12.050.351.968 C12.200.777 C12.950
Urology H02.403.810.860
Урология H02.403.810.860
Journal Article V02.600
Журнальная статья V02.600
Review V02.600.500 V02.912
Обзор V02.600.500 V02.912
Multidisciplinary studies in urology is becoming a new global trend which is associated with an emerging of omix technology, big data, the development of IT and other technologies. The concept of "multidisciplinary approach" as well as a brief historical analysis of the development of urologic science are discussed in the article, based on the international Scopus database. An example of a multidisciplinary approach implemented in the Science and Technology Park for Biomedicine of Sechenov University is given. The stages of the creation and implantation of the tissue-engineering urethral wall are described. For the successful development of urologic researches, the active involvement of specialists from various fields of knowledge is required. Such a combination of competencies has already allowed to solve problems of an extremely high level of complexity now, and not in the distant future.