Spivak L.G.
Platonova D.V.
Yagudaev D.D.
FGAOU VO I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
FGBUZ CH 85 FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Medical treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia with 5-reductase inhibitors
Текст визуальный электронный
Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)
№ 4 С. 175-179
5-reductase inhibitors
acute urinary retention
5-alpha Reductase Inhibitors therapeutic use D27.505.519.389.870.200 D27.505.696.399.450.855.200
5-альфа-редуктазы ингибиторы терапевтическое применение D27.505.519.389.870.200 D27.505.696.399.450.855.200
Aged M01.060.116.100
Пожилые M01.060.116.100
Azasteroids D04.210.500.925.100
Азастероиды D04.210.500.925.100
Drug Therapy, Combination E02.319.310
Лекарственная терапия комбинированная E02.319.310
Dutasteride D04.210.500.925.100.125
Дутастерид D04.210.500.925.100.125
Humans B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Человек B01.050.150.900.649.313.988.400.112.400.400
Oxidoreductases D08.811.682
Оксидоредуктазы D08.811.682
Prostatic Hyperplasia drug therapy C12.100.500.565.500 C12.200.294.565.500
Предстательной железы гиперплазия лекарственная терапия C12.100.500.565.500 C12.200.294.565.500
Quality of Life I01.800 K01.752.400.750 N06.850.505.400.425.837
Качество жизни I01.800 K01.752.400.750 N06.850.505.400.425.837
Sulfonamides D02.065.884 D02.886.590.700
Сульфонамиды D02.065.884 D02.886.590.700
Treatment Outcome E01.789.800 N04.761.559.590.800 N05.715.360.575.575.800
Лечения результатов анализ E01.789.800 N04.761.559.590.800 N05.715.360.575.575.800
Journal Article V02.600
Журнальная статья V02.600
The results of studies comparing the therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia with 5-reductase inhibitors and 1-blockers are presented in the article. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common disease in older men. Pathogenetic treatment allows to block a progression of prostatic hyperplasia and is of greatest interest in the treatment of this disease. The obtained data reliably demonstrate the advantage and safety of long-term pathogenetic therapy with dutasteride compared with symptomatic tamsulosin monotherapy with regard to quality of life and subjective symptoms. In addition, pathogenetic therapy provides better results in preventing the progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia.