Shevalgin A. A. Aleksandr Alekseevich 1982-
Шевалгин А. А. Александр Алексеевич 1982-
Robotic Surgical Procedures
Lymph Node Excision
Neoplasm Metastasis
Lymphatic Metastasis
Lymph Nodes
Surgical Flaps
Quality of Life
Epigastric Arteries
Thyroid Neoplasms
Аффилиация 2019 PMGMU IMSechenov, IPK FMBA of Russia, Russian Federation.
Аффилиация Department of plastic surgery, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical university, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
Аффилиация Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, National Research Radiological Center of Ministry of Health of Russia, Training Institute of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow.